Yep, as it stands tweaking the size of the multitool slots with save-editor for PC, up to forty-eight, is my cheaty way of doing it…
I never understood as to why only 24 slots was the maximum. It seemed like an odd number to choose. When you think of how many options were available before and how many were added recently, we should be able to have a few multitools to make it more interesting.
There is a cool mod that adds extra features to existing assets, like save on beds… nice stuff like that.
One of the things it does (Or used to! 1.35, here) was to enable weapon-racks from the construction menu to allow the player to choose from one of three determined, fixed weapon seeds per location. If I remember correctly, one per weapon-class… Considering how hardcoded those things seem to be, it is as close as I’ve seen.
Yeah with all the different multitool functions available now (shotgun, semi automatic, scanner, grenade launcher, etc.) it’d be nice to have several available to use at a time. Take a mission to scan creatures, grab the scanner tool. Take a mission to destroy sentinels, grab the shotgun with grenade launcher.
But the first sign I knew we needed multiple multitools is when I fully upgraded my 24 slot rifle from 1.0, and later came across new and better multitools. I can’t be bothered to switch from my decked out rifle to one with a bunch of empty slots that I’d then have to gather resources to upgrade.
If we could buy the newer, fancier model without losing the old one, we could gather the resources to upgrade it with the old trusty tool, instead of starting from scratch and grinding without upgrades.
Another reason to have several multitools: there’s a lot of cool models out there, be nice to start a collection haha
The video shows some really cool options. If we could use the mounted racks to stack 4 different types of multitools with different functions it will give purpose to that particular asset. So many multitool blueprints that we have no idea if we like or not because we don’t want to remove something from our upgraded tools just to test out. One multitool dedicated to testing new tech would be awesome. Also save from bed makes so much sense, as well as being able to interact with the furniture/computers things would be cool.
The mining beam is so powerfull we don’t need other kind of weapon. Sentinels or animals are down in 2s. On my tool i have all the good upgrades for mining and kill, grenade with 2 upgrades (destroy doors with 1 shot), all the scanner upgrades (flora and fauna too) and if i need the new tool to edit terrain i just disable a small mining upgrade. 24 slots could be 30 for a better comfort but not sure we really need more multi tools.
I think that is if you have the combat unit on. I have all the mining blueprints with the exception of the combat one. I depend on my boltcaster to take down fauna.
10 slots all together for mining, great for mining but not to defend yourself.
With the new update, problem arises – trying to launch and move has become a problem. Just touch the throttle and you zoom to full speed. Trying to land keeps error as in “landing area not clear”, Don’t touch the throttle until liftoff is finished or you may crash into whatever is in front of you. Can you not go back to pre-1.3 spacecraft controls?
More Tech Slots would be nice too. Like how ships have General and Tech…
Lots of great ideas here. I know I said that I’d start compiling them in the first post, but between work, car crud, my brother wanting me to collab on some electronic music and being distracted by The Sim and all its weirdness, it’s going to be a bit until I can get around to it. I do have a rough draft of a post started, but bear with me. You guys gave me a LOT of suggestions to sort through.
Now, to see if I can come across one of those Glass Planets…
how come, even in cold environments, creature are relatively fur free? I’ve seen the occasional tuft though nothing with a full frizz.
I know it’s not fair to compare games, like for like, but… using The Witcher 3 for comparison, whatever the dev’s did there; bears, panthers etc looked soft and cuddly in a rip-your-throat-out kind of way.
Yes! I would love to see furry and feathery creatures!
Was thinking that exact same thing last time I was playing.
There are other solutions for cold, just looking at our known planet. Spikes like pines do, lots of fat, like seals, feathers like birds and even defrosting agents inside the blood-stream like certain frogs… No fur in the oceans either.
But the reality is more prosaic than that… Fur is expensive in computational power.
Most of the time, in games, it looks like Skyrim’s solution without parallax mods… Overlaid panels with transparent textures, sort if what NMS does for foliage, but without the sprite effect (always facing the viewer) That is already used in stuff like the insect wings… But going full fluffy on procedural creatures that could potentially spawn in very large numbers would drain a lot of resources to just look half-good. You could add more limbs for that price!
Just saying that I understand the technical lack of fur, but also support the idea of having planets play a bigger role in the makeup of the procedural selection of creatures.
HG surely tinkered with variations of “creatures per biome” system… I know all intrepid modders do, eventually. But in the end, the more you link one and the other, what you get is less variation… A more predictable = less fun exploration.
Problem being the creature archetypes are far more restricted than biomes, even… Way more flexible creation from the ground up, and not so archetype based would be a good start. Then you could tie planetary conditions to creature creation, with a chance of randomness in the mix, using the planet values as pattern. It already does to a degree, but something beyond color and if there is water.
I have suspended disbelief, and convinced myself that the large cow-like creatures you often see flying around, supported by tiny wings, actually have no bones. Whilst their bodies look like those of vertebrates, they’re actually just thin bags of organically generated hydrogen.
But back to your subject - I agree about fur being a resource hog. There is a planet in my current home system where the plants have incredibly fine, feathery leaves. They’re very detailed. There are lots of them. And when I’m near them, my frame rate drops to about 11 FPS.
We need this is in future updates:
The ability to visit a galaxy we’ve already visited.
With people getting spread out across the universe, we need the ability to go backward. I don’t know how that would work but it would great for us explorers that are no longer in Euclid. You might be a member of a community in Euclid (where most people are) and now suddenly you can never go back. It would also be great if you could keep a base in each galaxy (don’t know how that would work but it should would make exploring more interesting knowing you can always come back to your old base/planet/system) and stay involved with a community in your starting galaxy. You should still have to earn going forward in space but once you’ve visited somewhere, you should be able to go back!
Otherwise, @oldgods, keep up the awesome work on my favorite game of all-time!!! It just keeps getting better and better!!!
tis easy if HG let that data be saved, when you go to a new galaxy you cut off from your previous base.
Starting a new one in a new galaxy just start as normal.
I realize someone like me, keeps going and going and going, wonder how large the save file would become.
I think that is the main issue, save file.
I do think the whole community thing is a facet of the game that wasn’t thought through very well at the start. I don’t think HG originally imagined dedicated communities developing around the game, and I don’t think they imagined people playing for thousands of hours. NMS was intended to be a single player game, with some (extremely limited) multiplayer elements.
What’s happened is a classic example of emergent gameplay. The people who really like the game have taken it to heart, and have found was of making it do things it wasn’t originally intended to. And, to their credit, HG have recognised this, and are responding.
So yes, freedom to re-visit the galaxies you’ve already seen would be a good way to maintain those communities.
How I think the next updates will play out–
1.4 improved combat, exocraft combat, freighter combat, moving freighters, hostile systems, hostile caves, ambient game mode and improved multiplayer.
1.5 improved creature appearances and AI, animal breeding, improved farming and customizable ships.
1.6 orbital mechanics, walking NPCs, planet generation overhaul, ringed planets and more story.
What do you mean by orbital mechanics?