What next?

What else should we be spending our time and energy on?

One will never find all answers, such is life …

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Remember that it was mentioned that sending messages back in time was achieved. It’s very possible that this is what is happening with the dates right now. Tomorrow stuff will be happening, possibly with the opening of Atlas, among other things.


I would suggest family and friends. It looks like for now things are calm. You could also listen to some radio. Or make some. I mean this is the other reason we are all here right?
Waking Titan and HAM radio.

But who am I to say what you should do? I am merely a player and all the world’s a stage.


I get the “lore”. Right now I feel like I just watched a 3 hour movie with some good scenes but 180 plot lines that weren’t tied up and then just got credits with “wait til you see the sequel”

There are two types of people in this ARG, people who are seasoned ARGers and people who are new to this. I am in the second camp along with the majority I believe.

So as an outside perspective, I am simply saying that they are creating confusion, either on accident or on purpose and its having unintended / intended consequences…

This last phase broke the trend in so many ways, and none of them were exciting. Given the time and effort that was put into echo, multiverse, myriad etc. The last 24 hours have been a huge let down, and that memo didn’t say anything revealing that we didnt already know.

Since the “future” will read this, I hope the “future” can learn that more frequent updates, and better clarity as to what we should and shouldn’t discover will keep us more engaged in the “project”. There are literally 25 “puzzles” i can point out right now, that I have no idea if they are involved or are a complete waste of time. That gets frustrating after a while. Oh and Howard Stern may be president in 2020, but in 2016 he is a schmuck and we prefer not to have to listen to discussion about sexual acts to do the “future” deeds…

Just my 2 cents.

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Your “Leader” title is misleading… lol

Your absolutely right about Howard Stern

Any updates on the project-wt.com site?


Would there be any room on your ham radio broadcasts for my music? That’d be nice :slight_smile:

@lilprog I do think the Leaders of ETARC are simply moderators xD No need to take the titles so seriously :stuck_out_tongue:
That being said, I do wish Emily were back online, both to make sure she’s okay and to ask if she’ll be looking for mods anytime soon :eyes:


I think you might be a good candidate. I can tell you and Emily have a very special friendship. :slight_smile:

Can somebody post the link for the discord channel? I found one called NMS but I don’t think it’s the right one.

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Thanks @DevilinPixy!

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Copying and pasting the text from the pdf reveals:

“From: Nice Try”



Visit wakingtitan.com it seems the next step has arrived

Seems to be a twitch stream, counting how many users are watching.

Maybe something of “if you stare into the abyss long enough, it will stare back at you” ?

It’s Elizabeth. She keeps livestreaming.

She also announced a new site: http://csd.atlas-65.com/




Are you happy with the way things are turning out?

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