What is next for No Man's Sky? (Not Meant to be Negative)

There are more than enough star systems in the game for every player to have tens of thousands of solar systems and never have to deal with anyone else…especially with the portal systems you can go and claim a base in any far away obscure corner of any given galaxy and never worry about anyone else…hell you can just go to a hub and you’ll still find lots of undiscovered solar systems within a jump of the hub you can have all for yourself. Bloody hell leaving the Euclid galaxy is now handed to you on a silver platter and just doing that will put you out of reach of 99% of the players…because less than 5% have warped 60 times for the trophy and fewer still managed to leave that galaxy even with the freebie gifted ride. So in terms of someone “griefing” others by naming stuff it’s utter nonsense…so simply not sharing your portal address on the internet and not deliberately moving to where others are eliminates pretty much all risk of someone naming stuff in your system/s.


I agree with you, mostly. A Hub would be a different story though. Someone could easily use the addresses we posted here to travel to our Hub, and name every star system in the chain right out from under us. Which would be griefing, and would be sad.

Personally, I hope they never include PVP. The amount of time, money and manpower needed to design a PVP system from scratch would be better spent on other game aspects. Better co-op maybe, but not PVP.

I would like to see more variation in the plants and animals. Maybe add a few new body parts to the animal generation? A few new heads and wings and such would change things up pretty easy. Same thing with a few new plants. Hmm, would that require a reseed then? Maybe not so easy.


It looks like most agree with the notion that we need more variety, that IMO will sling NMS to whole new level if the next patch is largely adding more variety to the galaxy. And maybe a character model and ability to see other players ships and freighters.

Let me add one more thing in here that bugs me a little and has from the time the camera was added, (Maybe Foundation?) That’s when I really discovered that the scale was messed up. Meaning that objects seem to be smaller then they really are while you are in the cockpit view (like looking through a magnifying glass). Once you use the camera and pull back from your ship, that is when the real scale of things are seen. And you feel so small, I wish I had some visuals to make the case but I know that all of you know what I am talking about. I’m not sure if it’s even possible, but can HG fix this…I’d would much rather feel small and insignificant in an endless universe…Thoughts?


True :slight_smile: Sean Murray said something like people will probably not find each other during game play. He also said that you would be able to sort of Grief people “slightly” I think was his wording :slight_smile: If there is Griefing in the game, then it was able to happen from the start in 1.01 on as coming across a discovered System, Planet or Species.

But you are right it is very rare to come across a cool planet or system that hasn’t been discovered unless you are near the Center of the Galaxy :slight_smile:

So are lush beautiful planets really more plentiful near the center of the galaxy? funny tid bit, I have played NMS since launch and have never been to the center nor anywhere near there. :flushed:

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I think in the previous version there was a variation increase towards the centre but since 1.3, I believe it is all pretty uniform.
The variation comes as part of the gameplay.
As you progress, you can get to more via warp upgrades and portals.
I guess I might need to make a pigramage one day, a run towards the centre to find out for myself.

I have an idea for what should be next for No Man’s Sky, but instead of typing it, I’ll tell you in a video (with spoilers). Enjoy!


Great stuff and comments as usual @MacForADay!


Mac I think you completely missunderstood the ending of the story…the story IS complete and it DOES make sense without having to suspend disbelief.
SPOILERS: Loop 16 maintains the countdown in a never ending loop so the end never actually happens unless you choose to reset the galaxy at the end of the story…which destroys the existing galaxy and creates a new one in its place which eliminates the countdown since the ending essentially happenes. Hence why there is no going back to a galaxy one you “leave”.

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Huh, I might have to do the main story again on another save, I don’t remember the world of glass. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks Mac! And for the record I don’t dislike NMS now. I just had a hard time getting into the changes 1.3 brought.

#TSG :grin:


I disagree but have no proof and can only say we will have to wait and see what HG does next.


Just to point out too Mad-Hatter:

Planets getting weirder as u get closer to the Center never was,and still isn’t a thing :frowning:

This type of core gameplay design is what NMS needs. It’s what attracted me to the game in the 1st place. A sense of progression. Traveling. Things getting more scifi and weirder the deeper down the rabbit hole u went.

It already does beautiful moments super well,great novelty,cool moments,etc. But basic ramping of difficulty of pirates,creatures,harsher and different Sentinels,etc. is what NMS needs.

Anyways,from my last few comments regarding PVP.

Yeah I mean we don’t need PVP, I’d rather have Actual things to do on planets and have a Co-op buddy tag along. Maybe more and better puzzles? More emegergent NPC’s? Better animal AI? Sentinel Dungeons? Not sure. It’s just PVP would provide a clear and obvious goal,don’t die from that guy. But alas it’s not needed.

Forget PVP.

( SM did talk about possibly one day adding a more traditional form of MP,but that it would come down the line and not for the core form for the original game. I would call 15 months after the game launched as down the line :smiley: )

I’d rather see NPC’S expanded upon,with actual friends and enemies being a thing,rather than just pointless faction increases and decreases. I mean NMS has a great early game,excellent. But after a few upgrades, afyer getting a base, ( a base that doesn’t need any maintenance,no protection,and doesnt need defending like in MC or other survival games, it’s just a thing to make the game easier,make money,etc ), and a few life support upgrades,the game just plateus. 0 difficulty. 0 sense of urgency.

Just same ole same ole for hours an hours and hours. This wouldn’t be a problem if the core survival gameplay of NMS was deepened and made more survivaly,but atm, basic Survival is so ridiculousy easy it might as well not even be called Survival. If they introduced diseases and infections or malfunctioning core suit tech,like broken life support, then moment to moment planetary gameplay would be more urgent. Rather than just wondering mindlessly and watching preds pop in 10 feet away from me :*(

And the new story looking back on it is uninspiring,g
just make a better muission board and invest in NPC’s rather than what we got:

Go to random planet,place signal booster,repeat. Go to Holoterminus,repeat,etc. Go to Portal. Go to ship. Fly to Terminus, game crashes, story broken,repeat.

Come on 1.4!!! Let’s see what ya got! Can’t wait

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The very thing that makes this game so unique, is what makes it so boring/gindy. NMS is an entirely open ended game. There is no boss, no beating the game. There is very little direction and people struggle with that. When I first played this game I though it was just a sim, like a universal sandbox of sorts. The only significant achievement is reaching the center, which just puts you in another galaxy. Pointless. But that’s what I like about NMS. For me, it’s hard to get bored with a games that never ends. And because it’s so open ended, we can do things like Hubs. We can make our own stories, like so many members have done here.

@DaleGrib, as a fellow survival player, I get the lack of difficulty. So get creative. An easy way to increase the difficulty is to remove upgrades for your equipment. I’m only using the +1 upgrades in my suit, so they drain pretty quick. I have to be on constant lookout for zinc and T9. The same applies to ship combat, remove some of those weapon/shield upgrades. Does anyone remember how hard is was to travel when your hyperdrive had a limit of 100ly and only brought you to yellow stars?


No I haven’t seen any real difference :slight_smile:

However there are fewer systems to explore at the center and it is a destination for some Explorers. The Regions of space around the Center have the highest concentrations of Player Discoveries. I have this theory that the largest concentrations of Complex and Variably Interesting Worlds would be at the edges of the Galaxy where people are spawned in. It just makes sense that in order to capture peoples interests, Hello Games would put such systems in reach of everyone from the beginning.

Unlike Games that take a more realistic view of the Universe (Elite Dangerous for example), NMS is a simulation being simulated :slight_smile:

Just My Take On It :slight_smile:


lol, i never put in any upgrades cept. I’ve enver installed a shield upgrade, only thing i add is new wepons like the Infra Knife. And when ur hyperdrive is limited it doesnt make the game harder, just more contrained and boring. I just warp in my Frieghter from now on, i have no hyperdrive tech in any of my sjips either.

1 thing I’ve been doing since Pathfinder came out was having a strict gameplay based ship fleet. I have my two Exotics that look cool, my fighter that only is for dogfights,my 48 Slot Hauler for Interstellar Trading,and currently looking for another Fighter,and since explorers are useless now, i dont even bother.

Thats fun,m i want more of that kinda gameplay. Where the different ships and MT vastly change the gameplay,rather than just more eye candy.

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We all play for different reasons. I’ve never filled a 48 slot hauler, with portal travel explorer ships are useless, who needs a fighter when combat can be avoided altogether, and if I think an exotic looks cool I take a picture. Same thing with the multi-tool. Trying out the different weapons is fun, but combat can be avoided almost entirely. Personally I don’t see why a multi-tool needs to do anything but mine and dig holes. I don’t see how an improvement in either of these cases would create a “vast change in gameplay”. But again, that’s just my opinion.

The only way I can see serious changes to gameplay is by adding more core plot or improving on the multiplayer (or both!). Of the two, I would prefer the MP. Objective based co-op gameplay please.


All we’ve really ever needed was more variety in everything, to make exploration last longer before we run out of new things to see. Exotic planets were a step in the right direction, but 6 types of planets with non-variable props didn’t last very long.

I am encouraged that HG is looking to hire 3 more artists, which may help them add the level of variety we need to make exploration rewarding again.


I purchased No Man’s Sky in November last year and did not know anything negative that had been said about it. To me this game was a gamer’s dream come true. I have programmed a few space games back in the beginning of the nineties in the first 3D virtual reality kit called 3D Construction Kit. And of course I played the first procedurally generated Elite wireframe game. The vanilla version of NMS reminded me of this one and I was in awe of the progress that has been made, especially in the graphics field, since then. I think being able to fly to every single planet and watch it being generated before my eyes was exciting.
After a year of playing this game day in and day out am still finding new ways of playing it.
I play offline and like the solitude.
In my view this game is unique in allowing you, the player, to make your own choices and live with them.
To me the surprise of the next update is enough and each time a new update arrives, I start playing the game completely anew as if I played it for the first time.
So whatever is next for No Man’s Sky, I do hope that it will keep the freedom of play…


I would like a combat overhaul even more so than a creature overhaul.

Combat atm is pathetic,but with a few tweaks and added features it could be up to par for a Survival game. But I just want Synchronous Co-op where I can see my buddy’s entire base,even his Terrain Manipulations, his Multitool,his Ship,etc.


Got to admit, I do agree about the solitude.
Was actually the appeal of the game originally but I have enjoyed the chance meetings and interactions that collaborative play has introduced. There is something very special about landing at another players base for the first time and then appreciating the originality of what they have done; be it a farm or a palace. It adds to the ‘space explorer’ experience because the everyday NPC shelters and outposts have been seen hundreds of times.
I’ve noticed though, that when I find another player’s base, I enjoy exploring it at my leisure but if the player is there, it is easy to get distracted. Others must feel the same if they arrive at my base and I’m silently bouncing all around them… Now I’ve worked out the talk feature, it is easy to have a quick chat and then return to admiring their creation without feeling obliged ‘play’ or indeed letting them return to admiring your own creation, Prior to this, it felt kind of rude to not interact but you felt obliged to.
However perhaps a ‘solitude’ option would be nice for those who are a little shy and/or don’t want to or can’t talk. It could just be a dark shadow orb and icon that can be seen so no one feels obliged to interact.
That way a bright orb is obviously happy to chat and a shadow orb simply wants to explore a base or terrain but not openly interact.
Not that different to what we have now really but evident at a glance. I don’t really want to play with a mic and earphones on all the time and this would simply let people know you are nearby but enjoying the non-interactive base sharing experience.

One thing I would like to see is for other’s bases to become permanent features at a location (if they choose) when they move on. I love the idea of arriving in a previously inhabited system and being able to drop in to a unique base. I think that it would further enrich the game without damaging the solitude experience. So many beautiful bases get demolished when players move on and with players spread so thinly in the open non-hub areas, it’s a pity to not have these places left behind for anyone who follows to happen upon. It could easily have restrictions to prevent griefing such as; it uses your materials, must be accessible and must meet a certain high level of complexity in structure and decoration.
I also would like to see the CONTACT icon in the galactic map to be able to indicate whether a system is inhabited, has a unique uninhabited base or simply has been visited before. There are so many systems that are completely unexplored but list as a CONTACT. Yet others don’t even show as a contact yet have an active player’s base there. Very inconsistent.