Week of June 1st - Loop16 Seq25 + Satcom Calibration COMPLETE

That’s all it needs to say @Moderno, now I guess we wait for A&S to wake up and activate the next part, ie; update the Status on WT site.

Have You seen that 2 first ghlyps on https://wakingtitan.com have links to pdf’s?

Not only the 2 first in fact; But that’s old

I guess you’re right
But it kills the hype

Can anyone tell if this has changed?

Also (sorry for the amount of posts, but i’m just brain storming) should we inform the SubReddit?

You had the solution there but we were not able to understand it :wink:


That’s what my bank manager keeps telling me.


All of us familiar with boolean should have think about it. @frej[WT01] did it on Discord

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Ok, we have solved the access code. Let me try explain how it works.

Basically we knew the signals as follows:

  • A - 2111
  • B - 1312131

When writing each down as binary, matching the difference, signal A then becomes the following:

0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0

Now match against the Fibonacci sequence and note where the 1s are:

1  1  2  3  5  8  13  21  34  55  89 <-- Fibonacci sequence
0  1  1  0  0  1  0   1   0   0   1  <-- Binary 'boom' sequence
   1  2        8      21          89 <-- Result

Resulting in the solution: 1282189 (appended)


Although this has nothing to do with Fibonacci coding, explaining how this coding worked, resulted in Discord user ƒrej coming up with this solution. Great job!


@Argh! made a nice graphic explaination for the timing


Wow great job!! Awesome! We are now connected to the satellite!
Waiting for system initialization…


Awesome job. Nice work.


So… interpret one of the sound files as a bitmask for the other soundfile, from which you create another bitmask and do an AND on the fibonacci sequence… Simpler than I expected. Once you know it, anyways :smile:

Great job guys!


Satellite will be passing through Australia in about 20min. Hopefully I’ll still be able to pick up a signal.

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Same operating mode?

Yes it’s so obvious once we have the solution. @Polyphemus was so close, gave us the keys but we didn’t think about a simple boolean use of the “boom”.


Satellite has passed by with no change to the new uplink screen.


It’s absolutely fantastic that we solved the code! I honestly started to think we wouldn’t be able to… and in the end, it all seems so easy… Congratulations @DevilinPixy - really impressive!


I guess we will soon get an email from our mentor the “Oldgods”! :clap::confetti_ball:

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