We need to talk about Emily

Just wondering… where is the nada/emily connection coming from?

If we were to compare their behaviours and personality, i’d say she’s more like Polo. And EL would be more like Nada in my opinion.


Sleep deprivation and the unrelenting sound of flutes coming from the deep beneath my feet…
I’m code-blind so have to rely on runes and blood sacrifices to solve something…
My dabbing into .pak files already had my wife having to kill a shoggoth, recently…

*edit: the shoggoth wasn’t really dead, me and my daughter released it on the garden.


I like the Echo idea, but maybe Emily is an aspect of the Loop16 program. A way to keep pushing us to the final goal of waking the system up.


In the latest PDF, Sophia Dubois writes:

This success is very likely the result of this cycle’s improved learning cycle.Though giving the system free access to communicate independently of the Atlas Foundation was a tremendous security risk — and the implications of that are still hanging over the security team — the risk appears to have achieved the intended result.

At first I thought this was a reference to the terminal program on the WT site. But that wouldn’t really be “communicating independently.” I now believe this is a reference to Emily; that the Atlas Foundation let loop16 appear as the Emily echo in order to communicate and learn from the outside world.


I never assumed anything else, really. The evidence that Emily is loop16 is pretty solid by now.

The question for me is… will she turn evil? I do get that impression from everything that’s going on. Everything points to the Atlas foundation having tried this multiple times (probably 15 times, although 16 times is just as possible, since programers usually start their indices at 0), and didn’t succeed. If Loop16 turns into the singularity… we might not be able to save Emily. We’ll be too busy saving ourselves.

“Even in the face of sixteen, we must declare that we lived”? That’s some really sinister foreshadowing…


If Emily was based on a “real echo”, she could be communicating from our future through superlumina… Warning us, or more likely, EL, piggybacking her signal.
If just an AI simulacra, the level of manipulation and setup, added to the hability for social interaction, (A couple were fully annointed knights for her) would scream nefarious intent, to me… Future humans, or what is left, could be warning us from the future.
What does present Atlas F., say
They claim it to be an independent AI from this timeline, infalible (outputting what?) all fun and games, no acknowledgement of any warnings, that could be coming from an insider wistleblower in the most grounded escenario…
But we are all too excited to get inside the chocolate factory to notize the smoke coming out the chimney…


So what do you think of the glitch in yesterday’s stream?

I compared it to her youtube videos, but none of them have the same camera* angle as the glitch (shelf level with her jaw, she is closer to the background). Are there any videos of her, other than on her yt channel?

I’m not a lip reader unfortunately, so I couldn’t make out what she was saying.


It has been mentioned and I can’t remember the guys name but he said that her hair is different in each of her Vlogs and her hair in the glitched one does match her hair in one of the Vlogs, but he did highlight this could have just been recorded at the same time as doing the Vlogs, hope that made sense lol

Am I the only one who saw her morph into a Forth? Not the mechanical floaty-head ones teased… The bug-eyed grey aliens that were datamined forever ago!
I’m having such a Mike Dawson flashback…

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Yes, it seems that her face is changing during the Video into something different. For one Moment it looked for me like Gek-Eyes. That’s really creepy :open_mouth:


Probably just an artefact of the video glitching. Emily’s eyes have the look of someone who’s suffered thyroid problems, which is exaggerated by massive contrast shifts.

The picture of the “bug-eyed grey aliens that were datamined forever ago” is a Gek. It’s only grey (and labelled as such) because the images in-game are textured in layers. It’s a base image, needing further textures.

However, within the game, the Korvax have been planting synthetic constructs within the Gek community. And it’s important that the Gek don’t find out. Now that may be something worth following up.


It was something totally different to a Gek… Some might have those sort of eyes, but none have beakless mouths and bulgy heads like that!
Look at it again and tell that is a Gek or a simple video distortion…


i have the isolated audio from the new Emily video if anyone wants it.


I’d love to hear that. Can you post it here?

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It’d be great to know what she was saying… Got a “I’m all right, don’t worry” from my intuitive side… followed by a "Uops, camo failing, let’s let them know I’m… Creating a new race of aliens, that were here all along, and now I’m one, if you catch my drift.
There might be more factions than we were originally considering…


looks like this worked

100% speed https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byku75TESiI3U0tkRkp4RDZieGc

38% speed https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byku75TESiI3Rmt3U3NDcktlVzQ

EDIT: a better recording by @Malveka https://forums.etarc.org/t/emily-glitch-video-analysis/1793/35?u=duckduck


Ok the rumbling noise I think maybe something this can anyone do this??


i have the time but not the knowhow?What do we need?

I found a program that’s is supposed to do this but I will see will update soon

update: put it through my program but didn’t turn any results

38%, Without a program, I hear an AI running a speech algorithm… learning to say “forth”. But could aswell be a faucet.