We need to talk about Emily

Oh man, that video is as fascinating as it is spooky.

Hope I didn’t open a can of worms,. Back in my day, when ye were mostly non existent, we captured radio transmissions on cassette, yep, and ran it thru our Commodore 64’s. Sadly, I have not kept up with it thru the changing tech.

So I am not of much use…I can’t even figure how to upload this pic which shows how we rolled back in the day. Long live BASIC. It rules in my heart…


So there was a faucet!! My analysis was correct at a 50% so far…

So, I watched her vlogs 1-4, I didn’t see the little thing with eyes over her left shoulder, which is in this vid from yesterday. There was a notebook there instead. Am I missing an old vlog ?

I believe rhe eyes you speak of are a little cat ornament

Maybe this programme could do it if the audio is run through it??

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I was looking at Sophia Dubois’s April 7 pdf again, and this stood out to me:

Leighton and her team are working with Echo on a method that would allow the process to identify and aquire the information it needs directly and independently.

This seems like indirect evidence that Emily is indeed an avatar of the Atlas process, probably by using an existing Echo to give it the ability to communicate. I suspect that Emily was(is?) a real person at some point, quite likely someone that the Echo team personally knew. She might in fact be the first Echo, F.A.Y.