I’m looking for 9 letters palindromes, without success…
I liked the ‘cinegenic’ one… But no luck
English is not my first language…
Is there something to catch i missed on “An app but its evil”
Seems pretty cryptic to me!
Hopefully they come in to play this phase there has to be some purpose to them
Agree totally. @Dragoon4205 @chelofellow
My thoughts are that either:
CSDs of different designations will be required to work as teams to solve clues or acquire info/pics.
Or more likely;
That our emails are linked to our previously assigned designation so as each CSD member delivers their contribution of info/pics, each designation group gets credited for their efforts.
A bit like the world map that filled in as we contributed.
Perhaps the (physical) V4 passes are personalised with our CSD number as well…that’d be special.
Yea they have made us work in groups before so it would be highly likely. I just hope I get one been waiting patiently to find one in my mailbox
So do we think the pass code is nine characters?
question: WHOIS #WHATIS1.5
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 i.e. 9 character answer
0a 0d i.e. LF CR i.e. newline
6d 6f 69 72 72 72 i.e. MOIRRR i.e. hint
6d 69 72 72 6f 72 i.e. MIRROR i.e. hint hint
I thought someone pointed out the LF CR being hex for newline, on here but it may have been reddit or discord. If I’m repeating, sorry.
It could be 18 characters.
Alese and I watched episode 4.1 of Black Mirror last night and tried every password related to that esipode that we could think of, but no luck.
I had a fun time with the episode regardless. The planets strangely reminded us of several we have discovered in NMS.
Yeah I spent a good hour yesterday punching things from that episode in
Same xD… didn’t find anything though…
Wait, what? Is there a date this was sent so I can double-check my emails?
30-07-2017 (dd/MM/yyyy)
Yeah I did get this email. I thought it had changed again.
Panic over!
Concerning Gdrive…
So looking for 9 digits long password (There are 9 NUL)
Have already 6 (MOIRRR, obviously), but 3 lacking…
Guess what, CR+LF is EOL.
So, found all 9.
I tried atbash, rot13, anagrams…
So far no luck…
I feel like we are missing something but it it’s probably just me being impatient for the next phase to start
you are not being impatient, HG is being boorish!!!
and i bet once we have the answer, it will need to be REVERSED! Because mirrors
We will have to reverse it sacrifice a virgin do an Indian rain dance and pray to the all might Sean murry all while praying Emily dosent kill us in the mean time
This is going to be a very unpopular opinion, but I’m starting to think they gave us the teaser right before New Year to let us know the ARG would resume sometime this year and not necessarily soon.
My opinion is that they didn’t intend to tease anything. A&S wanted to announce “in character” that the passes were finally on their way back from the printers and that they will be returning for another installment. Two questions that are continuously asked. The biggest kink in my theory is the 1.5. Why the new whois answer? Why was myriad updated at this time? What have we missed?
What if the answer is to be tweeted with #whatis1.5 and then we’ll have another clue for glyph 10?