This topic is for all your great user created Video content, (live) Streams, and Podcasts, related to No Man’s Sky the game and/or the Waking Titan ARG. Basically the new and improved YouTube megathread including other platforms, (live) streaming content you wish to announce or share, and podcasts. Of course discussion of content posted here is more than welcome.
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Hey I was thinking, any time someone starts streaming, just post a link in here Not obligatory but if you want afterwards, come back and edit your link to clarify you are no longer streaming. That way, anytime someone posts a response, more or less its a notification to anyone that is subscribed to this thread that some mad sci fi nut is sharing his space faring experience to the multiverse!
Even if you don’t stream but you just noticed your favourite NMS player just started, feel free to share the link here too, I always seem to miss the live streams!
Btw I am about to start streaming, though I’ve no way of communicating, so just consider it voyeur
I’m actually looking for an extreme planet at the moment, Polo is looking for rank 3 extreme.
Ugh, I’ve already done the 30 day extreme challenge three times on ps4 (I restarted with foundation update so I could be back in Euclid and make the trip to Galactic hub.
Then I did it again on my permadeth playthrough when Pathfinder came out. Now I have it on PC, here we go again.
Hopefully I get there on a busy day with the ARG and can just leave it running in background while I help community solve stuff
@MrBacon Sorry I missed your message in the stream yesterday, I also realised AFTER that my mic was on mute, all my theoritcal rambles were for nought XD Will start streaming again soon. I still havent asked EVERY sentinel in the game if they know where I can find Emily haha. To answer your question I submitted about 50 photos but I don’t think thats what made it jump from 10% to 21, i did the same thing all day yesterday and it never budged. It seems they’re manually sifting through all our photos so we just gotta wait til they get to our relative stacks.
Yeah, name was hop. Looking on No mans Connect app, I can see they were on yesterday and just started using the app so they were probably testing out the teleport function