V1.38 Bug reporting

paradise planet now on the PS4 has extreme tropical storms and it never stops raining

Change of biome was mentioned in the patch notes, therefore isn’t a bug.

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When doing missions for your base, it seems to be important to check the correct mission in your log.
It seems that you can’t progress the supervisor quest when the tech quest is active. If you then check the supervisor quest, you can’t progress the tech quest,…
This is a bit annoying.


Good to know mushroom landing is OK! :slight_smile:

Another few bugs:

  • Completed/Visited POIs remain active until after restarting the game, sometimes longer. e.g. you go to and complete a crashed freighter or artefact, but it stays in your overview as unvisited, especially when out of FOV. I don’t know how to clear this manually, or if there is a way? Might be to do with asking too many Gek for POIs, perhaps. Updating of POI icons is generally unreliable and I have many green question marks I’ve already visited, or white circles.
  • Sometimes a Sentinel force will be activated, won’t show up, but will remain at 1 dot, with music, until I get in my ship and fly away.
  • Exiting some ships at a Gek trading station makes you fall off the trading station and then you have to jetpack back up again.

Hope helpful!

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correct … i realize that … just mentioning on this because it should be fix, paradise is paradise shouldn’t be continuous tropical storms … lol

falling off stations is a feature … lol
sentinels sometimes spawn underground or in parts of the building that they get stuck in and forever and a day they remain.


Like this!

yes if you can … if you can try to kill it before entering if possible to target

Well, I kinda like it…it just spins in the corner like a little disco ball…lol


Is anyone’s controller not responding properly (heavy input lag) from time to time? This could just be a hardware problem (I hope not :/), but it only started after the update, so I thought I’d ask.

I did tested a little with other games and it was fine, but it doesn’t happen all the time so I can’t be sure.

Did you get the blueprint from Artemis? It seems you can’t get it any other way, but I’m not sure.
And buying suspension fluid became quite expensive :joy:

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Yes. My Controller randomly get like a 1 second lag. I usually go to the menu for a few seconds and it fixes.

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Win 7, Steam: Exiting an exo-vehicle after a half an hour or more of play/driving about/getting in/out of vehicle, etc., will sometimes throw you under the craft rather than off to the side. This was happening before 3.1 also and is a harbinger of an impending crash (memory leak?). I have learned to quickly find or drop a save point and log to mode select screen, also after a few of those, logging all the way out.

I have the same issue with question marks I have “saved” at as others have. Re-logging after the save sometimes works but not always. Also have to make sure not to log out too quickly saving at the Save posts as it may not have finished registering and you can lose progress (Learned that the hard way–lost 45 mins and six albumen pearls).

When breaking into a building and entering code into the console there, the sentinels are deactivated, but the alarms and flashing red lights do not.

My Roamer now burns fuel at 3x the rate it did before 1.3

Also, opinion, YMMV, but no more farming for me. Too tedious now having to add nutrients, sometimes more than once, to every plant. No longer fun.

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Good to know it’s not my controller, at least.

I noticed this before the 1.3 update, but its far more common now.

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Seriously, farming and using Mining Units both. They aren’t autonomous anymore. They’re more trouble than they’re worth. It’s like Sean decided one day that farming and mining for wealth and resources blows, and made it such an ordeal, it would push us into space as explorers and traders. Uncle Sean… why did you break it? :disappointed_relieved:

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Because it was broken. A few M just to login a few times a day?
Anyway, this is the bug reporting thread. They added re-fueling, so obviously it is not a bug, that means any requests to revert the change should go into the wish-list/feature request topic instead, so we can keep this one clear for actual bugs.


I started a new game with 1.3. It seems there are no pleasant, liveable planets any more, so I built my base on the best one I could find.

By the time I had my builder, my scientist, and my armourer working, I had discovered a better planet for my base - not great, but better. So I moved my base.

It turns out this was a very bad thing to do. Moving my base broke all the quest lines with my specialists, and they wouldn’t give me any more quest dialogue.

Luckily, I was able to go back to a save before I moved the base, and everything is working again.

But be warned. Moving your base while the specialist quests are active may cause serious problems.


Hit the game breaking Artemis quest line bug… I am no longer able to continue with the quest line as I can not find him anymore, I am 90% sure what system he was in, but even after creating new teleporter location and gong to base and back, the quest does not think I am in the right place I believe.

Word of advice: Whatever you do, DO NOT overwrite your teleporter location to Artemis’ system.

Filed an official bug report, it looks like more people are hitting this too. Be careful, don’t break your game like I did =(.


@Shota Thanks for the info.