If this update is going to be as big as they are making it seem, I’d almost guarantee a proc-gen reset. In fact, I’d kind of be disappointed if there wasn’t.
Like the last update, this will probably affect the planets and environments, but not our ships, tech, Units, standing with the various species, and so forth.
That being said, if this does turn out to be an overhaul, almost like a No Man’s Sky 2, we might have to start almost from scratch. Who knows? Personally, I’d be fine with that, especially if the experience is good enough to feel fresh and new.
Tbh, I’m not very eager to play the quests a second, third… or fifth time, counting in the last universe reset and the different game modes I’ve played. So I really hope that the NEXT update is mainly an extension to the existing content and a continuing story.
As we know any (terrain) engine update will surely result in relocating existing bases (again), but an update of the galaxy or star distribution I don’t consider as a problem. I expect ‘instancing’ of new worlds and game modes - just speculating on this one in regards of the ring structures and the third door in the anomaly.
An upgrade to the flora, fauna, technology, equipment, mechanics, environment (did I miss something? ) and perhaps to planet side constructions would be highly appreciated by all, I’d say. And maybe new content makes it interesting to rebuild bases, but I also hope that there is more for the explorers and travellers in us.
As mentioned in a previous post, HG’s intention is not to make us start over and over again, and I would appreciate that too. I really would like to bring this journey to a NEXT level, and whatever this might be, I think HG will have some nice surprises for us.
I’m now on my sixth re-start since 1.3. I still have five of them. For me, re-starting the game, and playing it through a different way, is half the fun. So it won’t bother me one little bit if all my saves get wiped, and I have to start again. That’s what I would do anyway.
Having said that, from what I read of Innes McKendrick’s last presentation, HG have put a lot of effort into being able to update the universe without requiring people to re-start. Even if they make major changes, I don’t think people will be required to abandon their current progress.
Why restart instead of making permanent, lasting, progress? There’s a lot of tech to gather, languages to learn, freighter, and ship collection to put together, units to save up, etc. Prior to Atlas Rises I wanted to have a lot of credits saved up, all pathfinder tech obtrained, and so on, in such a way that when the new update arrived I wouldn’t be stuck doing any basic surviving and saving and teching up in order to get right into the meat and bones of the update…which ended up being the story and the quests and so on and I didn’t have to spend a lot of time saving units to get a whole new S class ship collection as my existing collection was quite valuable and I had a lot of units in the bank…it was just as matter of finding the ships.
That’s good info @Polyphemus, and I agree that the first steps and a fresh start can be exiting, even for a long term player. But at some point a new savegame might become repetitive even if you try to play it in a different way. Nevertheless the journey is the destination, and I hope we will have more and new options how we play and enjoy this game.
I am in the camp as one who likes to restart. It is my tradition to always start a new game every time there is a major update, to experience all the new features from the beginning. Even though I often go back to an older save after reaching a certain point on the new one.
All it does is slow you down a lot…because you can’t just follow the story…you need to progress, learn basic stuff like fuel recipes, get to have warp reactors, etc…you can’t just buy a new ship when you see it…you need to make units…you can’t just work for the guilds…you need to increase your rep with the alien races…you can’t just warp back to base…you need to unlock the milestones that enable that. All starting over really does is put dozens of hours in the way of the actual new content from the update. I don’t feel I missed out on anything at all by carrying over from my previous save file.
It depends really at what point the in-game content gets updated and if there are dead ends in previous savegames that prevent you from experiencing the new features. I still like to play my first savegame but I also had the necessity and curiosity to start a new one to try out the new things.
And it would be one thing restarting if you’re in your starting galaxy but if not, that would not be good! I’m confident based on what HG has said, we will not all be put back in Euclid!
Looking forward to more surprises for the planet explorer!!!
Just speculating here…perhaps the gates on the exotic planets could be a way round a reset. could lead to a whole new place altogether bringing everyone that wants to a common gameplay location
I don’t think so…that would completely change their functionality and it doesn’t seem it’s what they ever wanted to do. The gates aren’t just about or for meeting others…they’re about enabling long range exploration…enabling players to reach the furthest corners of each galaxy. I really don’t think they’re going to be changed to where suddenly they all go to the same place…the servers would melt if they did that anyway. Not to mention the game has always been about enabling everyone to play how they want and above all exploration…they would never turn this feature into something that forces people to meet others or forces people into explored space.
Not exactly what i was getting at, their only functionality at the moment is providing lore. Perhaps leading a different galaxy with different rules, who knows.
Oh you mean the gates…I was thinking portals…still I don’t think that’s what they’d go for…the portals already enable players to meet others if they want…it wouldn’t make any sense to implement another kind of portal that forces you to meet others if you use it…it’d be redundant and unnecessary. Would be cool if those gates opened up the potential to travel between galaxies or to maybe lock new and special kinds of galaxies behind them…that would be awesome. But for what you’re saying I still don’t see it happening…it’d be like hey, here’s another kind of portal, you can do the same stuff with the other one too except this one forces you to do stuff the other kind doesn’t.
Now that you mention it there is one thing that I can see intergalactic gates being useful for…negative galaxies. It’s been discovered on PC that the game does have negative numbered galaxies that cannot be reached legitimately…right now there’s nothing special to them but that could change. If HG want they could give those galaxies special traits and content and make the gates in each galaxy be a direct link to that galaxy’s mirror negative. That would be amazing imo.
We know there is some difference in galaxies but something like that or have each galaxy be significantly different would encourage more travel and exploration.
Some of the problems with upgrading to a new version no longer exist but to avoid any hassles with the actual upgrade, universe reset, etc., I use the practices below. I started playing on Day 1 for PC (August 12, 2016) and for the first week I restarted a couple of times when I did something that I didn’t think was right but am using the save from the first version and have never had a problem. I believe that most, if not all, of the problems where users had to restart from scratch were caused by not disabling mods which were then incompatible with the new update or patch.
Before upgrading to a completely new version: I was pretty lucky with my first base and the universe reset but anticipating that I possibly or probably will not be on a planet that I will like I completely break down my base before upgrading to a major new release version. It just saves time and effort as well as hassles if the universe reset puts you on an extreme planet or the change summary indicates that it is time to move on. I have enough space bucks in the bank and all technology of interest so I never have a reason to visit or use my base anyway so the current base is nothing but the base shell and haven’t been back in months. Am at the point where a farm provides nothing that that I would need or use although that probably will change in the next major version update.
Before physically installing any upgrade or even a simple patch:
I wait a week or so before upgrading as there typically have been at least four emergency patches in the first week or so to address major playability issues. This way I can pick and choose which problems I want to deal with or avoid.
Disable mods. Many or most are unlikely to be compatible. Easy for me to say as the only mod that I have used was Kremit’s most excellent C.S.S. for Atlas Rising and that only on an as-needed basis to increase the odds for encountering exotic ships.
Final back up of saves, just in case.
Make sure that I have a copy of the previous version backed up in case I just don’t like the new upgrade.
Delete shader cache and temporary files. May not be necessary anymore but we still continue to see people reporting graphics problems that can be corrected or avoided by doing this. Examples include the oily sheen problem or clipping of plants though floors and walls, both of which I eliminated by deleting the shader cache.
Reset key bindings to default. The first patches had major problems with importing pre-existing changes in key bindings and although the problem probably doesn’t exist anymore I just avoid the possibility as sometimes known problems return should old code be recycled.
Make sure that the ship that I am in has an ample supply of the most common repair materials. This is more important prior to going to a new universe and I prefer to use a junker ship for that to avoid having to cruise around struggling to repair technology. All critical or vital technology is in the technology slots so nothing critical or difficult to repair becomes broken.
Others have noted that resources and blueprints do migrate with the new version accounting for the basic base building blueprints that had to be repeated and raw materials or constructed items that may become obsolete and can only be sold as junk or deleted.
One thing that I encountered and am not sure if the completion of the Atlas Path with moving to new universe or new update did this as I completed the Atlas path and right afterwards updated to Atlas 1.38 but the containers that I moved to my freighter were disassembled. Contents were still present but had to rebuild the containers and still haven’t bothered with most of those. Some have reported this happening with switching freighters but I hadn’t done that.
EDIT: Corrected typo as I obviously could not have completed the Atlas Path before upgrading to the Atlas Rises Update.