The Minotaur(Exomech)

Beware, spoiler stuff below. I didn’t want to use any existing topics as I felt it was related to things that are not in-game as of yet. Plus, it may or may not be real and may or may not actually happen. Keep all hype in check and take everything with a grain of salt. Once again, spoilers below for future content that was supposedly accidentally “leaked”. Turn away and avoid this topic if you do not like spoilers. I do not desire to spoil anything for anyone as for many, surprises are very enjoyable. I too like surprises, butt I am one who also likes to see possible upcoming content as well. Thus, a topic people can either avoid, to prevent an accidental spoiler, or enjoy, depending on your preferences.

An Exo Mech was aparently accidentally leaked on a website. There are youtubers who jumped on it and started discussion on it and even provided the way to find the images yourselves after the images were taken down. If this is true, exciting stuff coming soon! Edit: for the record, one of the youtube streamers stated that the website is a trusted site he made purchases from. But just because he trusts it, doesn’t mean we all should.


I heard of that rumour a while ago, interesting it’s bubbling up again. The screenshots show that it’s more than just an unused icon somewhere, but real content found? I won’t dig deeper to not spoil myself anything.


In case you didn’t already know, I blurred the following information for you even though its old information, dont look if you don’t want to know anymore:

Well, it’s old news that an asset and file names were found regarding this in the game. Its on Reddit. However, the design was different. So could this have alternate designs just as the living ships have alternate designs? Or perhaps its just a redesign and the look will remain the same and only have color changes just like the exocraft. My guess is on the later. Perhaps Sentinel parts(walker brains, etc) will be used to craft it. Who knows. Interesting, either way.


So this reddit thread is interesting… :open_mouth:


We knew a mech was in the works for quite some time (though it’s nice to see a shot of it ingame). What isn’t quite clear yet, is why. The only thing a mech could potentially be better at than the exocraft we already have is combat (because you could control it with the “on foot” control scheme) , but there’s nothing for it to fight, unless that’s coming with the update.

Otherwise it’ll be just hello games being like “hey, we fought a mech would be really cool, so we made one”. Which would be nice, but a bit disappointing.
But then again, the living ships came with a whole boatload of other fun stuff that totally made it worth it, so possibly this one will too.


Not sure what to think, but considering the model has been in the files for a long time, I can imagine it being added at some point. The ‘leaked?’ images do show the exact same model, but with slightly altered colour variations, a different cockpit, and attachments on top (scanner/mining). Could certainly be the improved or possible final look of what to expect.

The small thumbnail looks terrible in my opinion, not because of it’s small resolution, but the composition with the bad looking ‘title’ feels off.

The other image looks good, but we only see the back. Somewhat reminds me of an image I had seen before with the data-mined model in-game (credits to Hex).

If this is to come next, I certainly agree with @jedida, hoping to see more than just another new exocraft to play with.


@MacForADay: I have moved your video here. I know you have not included any video or images, but I feel it best to keep all Exo Mech discussion in one ‘spoiler’ place for now at least.


Agreed. Additionally, the trailer “leaked” online. And it seems like the real deal is coming likely very soon.


Hopefully this ties into the weekend events.


I hope so too. I mean, it would be a bit fitting. If there was an “enemy” of sorts introduced into the game in the form of a “breach” on weekend missions, the exomech would be a fun way to stop the breach. As seen in the video, it appears to have a “punching” animation. Keep hype in check though. Just a fun speculation.

Hmm… now that my imagination has gone from me, a new team multiplayer mission can be made. One person on an exomech holding off the breach, the others quickly go and stop the breach via sacrifices or a puzzle. Just a fun thought.


Hmmm, I think that just gave me an idea for a fun base build a la Real Steel :joy:


The exocraft are best suited for travelling distances and across oceans; I stopped using them to transport materials or fight sentinels. At least last time I used an exocraft, the scanned markers were not visible from inside the cockpit (is that still the case?) so I never use them when I scan-and-harvest either.

That’s why I hope they give the exomech a niche where it can be useful, such as quickly scanning, then running a few hundred metres, then harvesting or mining or fighting with sentinels or predators — something close-range like that.

A more interesting adversary (or arena) would also be welcome. :slight_smile:

We could have a triathlon: exocraft race, swimming, mecha-punch through a wave of sentinels. :laughing:


I just starting wondering are there some obstacles that we cannot make PvP combat meetings, even in some official form. Like league or smthg.
Will anyone forbid us this ? It is possible after all.


Now everyone knows


Yup. No longer a spoiler now.


People can join each other’s games and switch off the no-damage setting, of course, nobody is stopping you.

The only catch is, on PC, you can use a save editor and give yourself impossible upgrades, so you have to trust the other player to play fair, HG doesn’t care…



orbital exocraft materialiser!
analysis visor for exocraft
electrical wire cloaking
increased exocraft speed
coordinates in exocraft HUD
cheaper geobays

brb… jumping across planets in VR… lol


The VR robot view looks awesome. A little restricting, but regardless its awesome.

The solar tech is, for me, a GREAT addition. I hated recharging exocraft so much.

Also, the grass has been improved just slightly but ill leave that for a different topic.

Sucks that I wont have a minute to spare till tomorrow. But that just gives me something to look forward to do this week!