Each blood elixir has a different portal symbol. When you visit the portals, the choice has the symbol at the end of the name for the one you need. It is confusing though.
I hit the same issue as you and I caught it as it is as happening.
When I went through portal four, I realised I had all the milestones leading up to portal 5 already done but unclaimed. I got into my ship next to the portal I’d just come through after entering the 4th portal and redeemed the milestones.
I switched to portal five milestone and made the blood elixir as requested. Instead of asking to make the quicksilver it just said, the portal beckons.
It had auto jumped to the next ohase because I was already next to a portal.
Just to be safe, I didn’t want to go through the portal I’d just arrived through, so I used the quicksilver.
It marked another portal so I went there figuring this was the safer option.
This portal behaved like a normal portal.
I went back to the original portal marked and this time it worked.
So perhaps you are in a similar boat and just need to figure out which portal was marked first. And double check the blood. Just to be safe
Actually I think it was pilot error…
There are different blood types for each portal & I kept making more of the same & therefore I was nerfing my next step.
So for everyone else…
Each system has its own blood ‘type’ with its own individual glyph. The portal doesnt respond if you dont have the correct one made.
Just realised I responded to a post directly without reading all the following responses.
Thanks everyone who spotted this mildly confusing point. I’m sure others will appreciate the heads-up.
Possibly worth pointing out:
The base boundary stabiliser not only protects you from attack - it also recharges your purple protection bar. Stand near it, and your protection very quickly recovers. Handy to know when hunting and harvesting.
Good to know, they came and murdered me last night while I thought I was in the safety of Build Cam at my base
I met A Voice last night. The update post on NMS website mentions it’s up to the player to decide who the voice belongs to. Artemis? Ariadne? The void specifically? You decide. I know my mindset made up
Here’s a post expedition selfie next to the trusty ship I spawned in with (I had to bring my main save multi tool across because the expeditions gun could not kill a crab in a seafood restaurant it’s that bad)
During the expedition, Portal Glyphs are everywhere. Sometimes they are static, sometime sthey cycle randomly (generally within the game menus).
The Glyphs~ that show up with the messages from “The Ccursed” while exploring however, seem to have the same two sets of Glyphs. 3 on each side.
They are listed in the language files as %S16_GLYPH1% and %S16_GLYPH2%
Then there are the glyph’s used in each Blood Elixir. Of which there are 5.
That’s 11 unique and specifically chosen glyphs that are within the Expedition. Just one shy of a full address
It could be nothing, it could be a fun easter egg that just lines up with the portal address for the final rendezvous point. I don’t have the glyphs in front of me rn so I can’t be certain it’s anything at all.
I just thought it might be an interesting strand to throw out for the community formed around an ARG
Nevermind I just watched back the footage and the 6 glyphs that appear with the spooky messages are different every time.
So 5 Glyphs chosen for the Blood Shakes. Not much to do with that haha.
pr_10, pr_4, pr_9, pr_11, pr_0 are their filenames for the img files. Ah, I have cracked the code! They are all numbers we use in math. CASE CLOSED
The first Glyph, which is reused quite frequently throughout the expedition when “A Voice” is talking, is called “Anomaly” using the Whispering Egg names.
So that gives more weight and confirmation to the voice belonging to an Anomalous Traveller like ourselves, as they claim.
The names for the other Glyphs on the Blood Elixirs are “Obscured Companion”, “Spiral of Reality”, “Ocean King” and “Star Over Water”. So all very on theme for the expeditions story
I was a bit confused when some of the messages started coming through in the colour we usually associate with the Atlas.
It had me wondering if someone at HG made an error and used the wrong tag for some of the text.
They’re seperated from the other messages in the files under the headings MSG_JUICE_OSD.
So they must be linked to the Elixirs of Blood (referred to as Juice elsewhere in langfiles, as are the other Elixirs). We’ve just lathered the words in it like the Portal Plinths I guess
@sheralmyst thanks so much for making this image, cropping and compiling is busy work so archiving is always appreciated.
Im having an issue with the discover 2 ancient ruins milestone (5/1).
Im getting nowhere with the signal booster and tried a number of other things.
Ive stood yards from a ruin and it directs me to a trade post 5 hours away, for example.
I got that one just by flying low and visiting the ruins that allow you to ask for either help with the language or an ancient site. Dug up the treasures and that was all. I never used the booster
I stumbled upon a ruin early on during exploration, and it counted as 2 for me so it seems very bugged to me I completed it before even looking at the milestone so the Signal Booster may not be a requirement.
Hope it sorts itself out for you
Yeah ive dug up treasures still 0/2 Ill try some of the language ones. looks like its bugged for me though. Thanks for the feedback @sheralmyst and @toddumptious
To clarify, the one ruin I visited that counted as 2 was the Ruin that gives you language or points you to an ancient dig site.
And going off what @sheralmyst said I’m starting to realise it probably didn’t count as two, I might have flown over one at some point and not realised
Hey, over here, I’m reeeeeaaally slow and just realising how significant this Expeditions number is…
Got 1 visiting an ancient plaque site, not the ruins as it says on the milestone. Lost over an hour to some bad wording lol. Thanks for the help.
Guess its broken so Mystery solved?
I actually had one of the Expedition Milestones complete for me and I have no idea what was required of it or what I did.
It was the first milestone of phase 2 “The Edge of Glass -Approach the Boundary Limit”…
I got this before I made it to my ship. I’m thinking its something to do with the Anomaly Suppressor meter?
I spoke way too soon on this last night. Going through the 4th Portal I was greeted with “P. Diddy did nothing wrong” with several other just, very 4chan edgy hey i’m obvs 13 years old, statements, all side by side in a group… damn yoofs!!! Hoodlums! Whippersnappers! etc.
Real life has its packs of roving teens that are generally harmless but terrify most adults just walking down the road, so it makes sense the Atlas sim has them too.
This happens a lot for me in these expeditions, then when someone has a question I have only a vague idea of what is required. So I guess you just need to visit the plagues however, the treasures brought me a fair amount of Units which I put to good use.
Headed in on PS5. See if I can knock this one out again.
Adding more from my PS5 play through. Cropping on my phone won’t let me crop as well as on PC…
There is a layer of hell where they force you to only crop with phones, I’m certain. The Devil likes to re-modernize the place every now and then.
It’s been brought to my attention that this thing I experienced, which I thought was all part of the fun, may actually be a bug and just a visual glitch.
I assumed it was them having fun with realities warping, boundaries breaking and talking about what lies beyond the reality of the Sim etc (and all this talk about bringing tech back in time to NMS from LNF) but I posted about it on reddit and nobody experienced anything like this yet going off the comments.
Maybe this is part of HG’s hiring process and they finally got all my CV’s. Time to go down a rabbit hole and come back covered in Pot Noodles.
I did not see it either. You are blessed, or cursed, whichever you choose to believe.