Expedition 16: The Cursed Revisited (35)

The last expedition for the winter holidays is about to start.

I will be adding info to this topic as I gather it.

Meantime, feel free to discuss below, have fun everyone!

Expedition Countdown :link: (JSFiddle)

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5


Is this different in any significant way from the one we already played, only a few months ago?


It’s a re-run, so I’d expect it to be exactly the same…


And it is the last one so maybe we will get something new soon.


It is not identical, but pretty much the same.


I hated this redux. Could have been me but at times things just didn’t seem to work right. Most recently was the next to last mission. I couldn’t land anywhere in the approximate area. Finally went to the space station and exited NMS. Later, started it back up and went back. Still couldn’t land. Finally decided to chance a base that was around 1300u away. That worked. Walked to the site and didn’t see it because there was a base 30u away from it along with a couple of comm balls. Completed the mission and was not able to create the next drink because of a missing item of which I had 2000. Completed the last mission/phase but couldn’t complete the redux. Flew to the Anomaly and did it there.

Impeding base.


So my daughter is running thru this and has no hyperdrive. Says it is a lost memory. I can’t remember it well enough to help her


Don’t need one. Using Portals instead.


It was intentional that players would have no hyperdrive, and would be forced to use portals instead. However, I found that at least one of the systems I was able to access had a dissonant world - where I was able to saalvage a sentinel ship. After repair, this had a fully functional hyperdrive.

However, as @temp says, you don’t actually need one. The expedition was designed to be completed without it.


She can’t find an anomalous world for the fishing

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Oh God, I can’t remember how I completed that one. Somewhere in the back of my mind a little voice is telling me I just found a body of water and caught fish, and eventually it worked - but I can’t be sure. I try to censor my memories of simulated fishing - mental trauma and impure thoughts.


“Anomalous” turned out to not be useful. I just found an ocean and fished there.


These can also be found on places with descriptions based around the colours green, red and blue, like wine or jaded etc if that helps broaden the search for planets with anomalous fishing pools.

Basically those exotic planets with the large underwater foliage on the surface are a good bet too


I searched back thru the thread for the original exp. Found some answers.
She says there are players everywhere and everyone is chatting because they are all stuck lol. NMS players rarely chat. So it must be bad.

Now she says the 3rd portal won’t accept her elixir
Here is what it looks like

Seems the update buried it


There are multiple blood elixirs, you have to craft the right one when it’s needed. The recipes are given as expedition task awards. If you have the right recipe it’ll do the flashy “hey, craft-me… hey you… hello?.. do you hear me?.. craft me! [blinky blinky blinky]… hey! HEY!.. [pops up notification] CRAFT ME!”. :crazy_face:

Looks more like player bases did. The game removes base parts that are too close to portals now, but I noticed their terrain edits often remain and cause havoc. If that’s actually causing the problem, she can probably just find another portal (I found most during this rerun just by visiting comm-balls on the less-crowded planets).

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Oh hells bells
Does anyone remember when to make the potions
She says portal is purple and active. Elixir does nothing. But if she goes to the portal she just passes thru to the other side

You take the same potion to find the Portal.

But as the missions progress there are new portions to drip on the Portals keypad.

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That’s definitely not right

Did you enter the exit?

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She went right thru, she says. Did nothing
3rd portal