Expedition 14 Portal Runes (Spoliers)

It’s been way to long since I last posted. So having finished the new Expedition, I’d like to share a small collection of Portal co-ords I made while smashing bugs.

The first five images are the co-ords for the Stations in each of the rendezvous systems from the Expedition. The last two is a boundry break moon with bubbles and corrupt Sentinels, and a world covered with grubs, worms, and horrors to blast.

I’ve not had a chance yet to visit these places in my main save, so the horror planet may not have grubs.

If you have any interesting places you’ve found during the expedition, add them! Let’s get a compendium of places going for the Expedition.


Thanks for sharing. One thing I noticed about this expedition was for rendezvous locations 3-5 I got different systems on PC than I did on console playthrough.

Will be interesting to see where people’s journeys overlap and differ. If I recall this hasn’t happened in previous expeditions.

I’ll be on both later to do QS missions, I’ll come back with better details on systems and locations :+1:


Took these last week but kept putting the file transfer from console on the long finger but I did some sciencing with my PC/Console chars, Was playing PC on small monitor so I decided to put settings down low and res at 720. The game still looks incredible <3 (except for the ones taken with steam shortcut, whatever that does to images is sacrilege )

RV 1 - PC/PS5 - Iawshea-Yook System

RV 2 PC/PS5 - Nuuraya System

RV 3 - PC - Rudoin-Blosa System

RV 3 - PS5 - Sangju

RV 4 - PC - Uooyiiji

RV 4 - PS5 - Liuanab XI

RV 5 - PC - Taotie

RV5 - PS5 - Iuquan

Did anyone have any divergent paths on their expedition? Since my first two lined up I wonder if it’s the same for everyone or if it’s randomish after the first? Or was my PS5 playthrough just having a bit of a time?


Mine are same as PC. In the portal list, each system shows as (system name) Cycler.
Have not played the exp on PS5 because it kept crashing. Will try again.


Oh it’s still crashing :slight_smile: After 1-3 hours the next jump or atmosphere entry/exit you’re probably going to crash. So you may want to wait before you try again.

I’m still in the honeymoon period of the ps5 load times so my crashes still have that “oh wow look how quick it recovers” sheen to em, so I powered through okay. And just took more frequent smoke breaks. HG, your bugs are increasing my likelihood of cancer, can I sue you for my own poor decisions? :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: I cropped those images and only now I’m noticing that it says @DevilinPixy discovered Taotie :rofl:


I will eventually find time to get back to those systems and build bases. I’m curious if any of the planets are infested? I’ve been looking for that planet type and have not found any until today. I got a QS mission to kill 3 vile brood queens and the mission warped me here:

The planet is infested and has these big boys you can tame:

There is one other variation I’ve found so far which is more chitin-y, but just as huge. I also started getting these after killing brood queens. This is the second one I got; didn’t get a shot of the first helmet I unlocked.