A solo mission. No NPCs. No shops. Just you and the Frigate of the Damned.
Bring it on!
Don’t forget to run to the Anomaly and start the Expedition.
Holy frikkin’ cow! The starting planet is awesome and so scary!
And YES! Worms are scannable!
HG is laughing their arses off! This is great! If you try to communicate with other players, it just prints out -kzzzzt-
From: Wednesday May 29th, 2024 13:00 (UTC)
Until: Monday July 15th, 2024 13:00 (UTC)
Have you tried communicating with other players yet? Or noticed what they’re saying? It all comes out as -kzzzkt- <3 ( edit:just seeing sheralmyst mentioned this in first post)
I was commenting about the apocalyptic trumpets on the starting planet when I discovered this. Boundaries really are thicker in this space of the simulation.
How does one acquire deuterium? I need deuterium to repair a ship component. I know it can be crafted with tritium and di-hydrogen, but you can only acquire tritium in outer space. Help!
Finally diving in to the expedition proper today on my PC playthrough. Nice to see Cursed Dust is back, I missed my purple shiny <3
Just landed in the space station, I have steam overlay off so I will save the lore chatter capture screens for my ps5 playthrough, going to get out my ship and explore spacestation -kzzkt-goodbye
Experiencing a strange bug I’ve never encountered (or heard of).
Still using the start shuttle ship the expo gave me, still in the starter system, decided to check out the other planet and its toxic hellstorms while I work on gathering bits for the warpdrive.
Any time I approach my ship it disappears, gets culled out of existence. Can’t even board it, its not invisible just is disappearing. Have to call it back down to land and quickly jump in (havent tried hanging around to find out, there are thermonuclear fog storms chasing me!).
If I walk away from it, it reappears at the location it was culled from, but once I get within range it goes poof! again.
It keeps happening, still on that cursed planet, the most recent one was a close one, had run out of sodium and the launch thrusters had no fuel, thankfully even though its disappearing/cant get in to it, It still acts like its near and I could refuel from exosuit.
I’m guessing this is some weird bleedover from the culling the expedition is doing on all starships, npcs etc. Hopefully leaving this planet or system will iron the kink out.