Expedition 17 - Titan

Getting off the first planet is tricky.

Thereā€™s no carbon on the surface, but you can gather the small condensed carbon spikes - they work just as well.

Thereā€™s no ferrite dust on the surface - but you can find boulders of it in caves.


Countdown Timers :link: (JSFiddle) <ā€” Includes Switch extension for The Cursed

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

Iā€™ll be adding further info for the expedition as per usual, editing this post.

More to follow ā€¦

Enjoy! :partying_face:


Woo hoo! I am ready!


Really cool they threw a ferrite curveball at us.
Staying in the starting system to fulfill all the missions I can before leaving.
Managed to complete these:


Escape From Titan
Children of Giants
Never Look Back
Bottled Lightning
Divergent Evolution
Field Logistics
Meal In a Can
Stone and Fire
Hazardous Materials

I have a glitch at the 2nd RV with a lot of flashing in the Milestone list and the bottom right of my HUD


I found some in these small circular rocks with pools of water in them on the surface where I spawned, but they were hard to find in general, they also had the same name as the large rocks that only give salt so it was confusing. Sheriate?

I found a bounty of them and was then picked up by a tornado and flung I dunno where, couldnā€™t find my way back to where Iā€™d been picked up.

Great planet for gathering condensed carbon all the same.

Breaking for food then gonna continue Checking out itā€™s moons

As usual Iā€™ll be recording my adventures for the archive

Come watch my ship idle as I eat food in another room and donā€™t play the game :wink: itā€™s cool, Google has the server space


Congratulations! Thatā€™s one of the expedition goals!


RV 2 planet Adtow says it has the 1001u depth for the milestone Crush Zone but I cannot find that depth. I keep finding around 800
finally found it
Now I have another issue. The size of these giants makes it way too hard to find the moons around them. And the normal planet info from space will not show because there has long been an issue with that when a planet or moon is too close to another planet.
Now I wish I could turn off all the other players icons and have an icon that shows the planets names . It would be nice to scan and have all the planets I have already scanned come up. I am trying to find the moon Ettono at the 3rd RV for some parafinium but i cant seem to find itā€¦ :unamused:


Finding moons can be troublesome alright, sometimes I find aiming the outer dotted ring of the starship reticle at a planet/moon gives better results than pointing the centre of the reticle at it, but other times just doesnā€™t at all. This gives zero joy with titan planets involved.

Another pain with gas giants presently is the ships auto navigating to waypoints during pulse travel, it dips back into atmos way too early instead of orbiting around the planet, whether the waypoint is on the planet or on a moon on the other side of it, kinda like how it used to in early versions of No mans sky.

Iā€™d like to thank the academy, and of course, I wouldnā€™t be where I am today if it wasnā€™t for (acts of) God.

@sheralmyst below, I got hit with one almost immediately on the starting gas giant.


Where is the best place for a tornado. Currently, Oz is alluding me. I guess I need to click my heels in reverseā€¦


AFAIK, all gas giants have them. You can find them elsewhere, but so far I havenā€™t seen a gas giant without them.


For the Renaming a Discovery milestone, if youā€™ve come in through an existing save, you can avoid a bit of travelling to find something undiscovered.

You can just rename a discovery that will be in the list from your primary save :wink:

Anyone found an ocean planet with 1001 depth yet?


I tried on the RV gas giant but I must have lead feetā€¦


You can also just rename any POI at the save beacon.
The planet Adtow at RV 2 finally got me the needed depth. When I cast my fishing line it said 900 something but I got the milestone as soon as I reached the bottom.
Ughhhhhā€¦I made it all the way to the last RV and warped back to the gas giant. I can not find a tornado. I have walked into all kinds of swirling rocks. Nothing. Just stood for 20 min. Nothingā€¦


To those looking for ferrite dust on the starter planet, I found a ton on the surface in what looked like a crater. It was just a bunch of small pebbles but I was able to get a few thousand units of it.

Side note: That was pretty cool to see because it seems like the new planet generation tech seemed to know that ā€œthis is a craterā€ and then put some small pieces of pebbles inside but they could only be found within the crater circle. There was clearly an invisible curved border line at the edges of the crater where the pebbles would end. And it wasnt even a crater that was cut into the terrain to reveal a different terrin underneath, it was actually a crater up on a mountain.

Sorry, was very fascinated with that finding. Lol.


Getting accidentally picked up by a tornado is usually annoying. It interrupts your task, drains your health, and dumps you a long way across harsh terrain.

However, I just found that as long as youā€™re prepared, deliberately getting picked up by a tornado is actually a lot of fun. Extreme sports.


Most of this expedition was straight forward but I did spent a lot of fuel & time hunting for the deep water planet.
Adtow in the 2nd rendezvou would only get me 950, even after cheating & terraforming a hole down to bedrock.
After giving up on finding a ā€˜waterā€™ purple system, I tried lots of random purples until by chance an uncharted system yielded the goods. Was just marked dissonant like all the others.
The the onscreen prompt changed & told me which planet to aim for.
Pretty soon I found myself way beyond 1000ā€¦ & any previous experienced depths at 1487 deep.

While I was system jumping, I found a giant ice world (deadly) & a giant ā€˜deadā€™ world (massive steep mountains & no low gravity). I found one giant water planet but it was only 300 deep so I moved on without investingating much.

Only problem I had is the collosus is all glitched up. Sits there with its wheels going 8-coffees crazy & nothing will install.

Anyway, got it all done.


One little cheaty move I made was how I got my 4 gas planet fishies.

On the 3rd rendezvous, In a small valley, I dug out some quartzite & noticed the water table was just a few yards down.
So I terrafomed myself a little mud-hut & fished my puddle & got the fishies that way. Easier than hunting for laggoons or caves or whatever I was supposed to do.
I later used this mud-hut to extend & fullfull the Make-A-Base milestone & kept part of my fishing hole as a front yard well.


If anyone has found another tornado riddled planet, please share. I just need it and some nanites to complete this expedition.


Honestly, digging a hole is not cheating.

Thereā€™s an old lawyerā€™s joke:

In England, everything is allowed unless the law forbids it.
In Germany, everything is forbidden, unless the law allows it,
In France, everything is allowed, even if the law forbids it.