Expedition 17 - Titan


This should be your first jump destination after the first rendezvous - so it should be in your teleport list. It has a fully functional space station. The planet “Ghgh” (bottom right in the picture) has storm crystals, and extreme wind events.


If it’s any help, they’ll be the tornadoes that have large rocks and also lightning at their core.

@Mad-Hatter ah, the Collosus is still bugged? I’ve been wanting to go gas giant exploring on my main since the update dropped but even trying to move something already installed, then tells you it’s the incorrect inventory. Can’t do anything with it so I’ve been giving it a hard pass. Thought with the expedition featuring it, it was sorted with the recent patch. Guess not :joy:

I eventually found a deep enough space in Adtow.

I was finding deep ocean worlds in my main no problem all week, averaging around 1400-1500, just could not find a decent one and Adtow dipping to 1000 felt rare.

Annoying thing about Adtow, undiscovered, so finding a sunken wreck was a no go.

For anyone still on this, just find any system with a normal planet with water that is inhabited, finding an ocean planet nearby that is inhabited might prove trickier unless you already know of one.

I found a system early on I navigated back to, it has a lush titan planet. Was actually a really beautiful system. You may have passed through it? Was renamed to Legacy 1 and the Titan was called Akira. Got the last of my milestones there and then got the remainder of the nanites releasing fish into the water.

Just need to actually go to the RV points for 4 and 5 and then I’m done.

I’m somewhat relieved this was a lore free expedition. My lore docs have been on hold since October and I’m glad the pile did not grow in my off time.

I had a very fun and unique no mans sky experience last night. Someone named a mineral on an ice planet. With a unique name. People hardly ever do that.

It was a nice surprise to see that the weird black stone globlets standing out on the snowy terrain have their name show up as “black tar” when mining them, the name felt right and suddenly I got the sense of the planet having an industrial purpose to surveyors and purveyors alike. I also felt like I was back in Valheim for a mo.

Always warms my heart when a player takes the time to name a discovery appropriately during an expedition.

Oh I also got all my gas fishing done on the second gas giant the expedition directs you to (rv3 I think?)

There was a player base (icon indicated was PSN player) called “my cave” or something like that, and it was set up over a underground fishing spot with an above ground entry way, saved a lot of time.

Also very kind of HG to make it any four fish on a gas giant, for @Polyphemus . I’m sure they’ve been getting his strongly worded letters about uncommon catches in the last expeditions :stuck_out_tongue:


I have sent a parcel to Sean Murray. It contains two kilos of fish. I kept then in a warm cupboard for a month before posting.


Ah, so that’s why his eyes are constantly watering in the latest deep dive video… still can’t get the smell to leave the back of his nostrils.


Ok. Thanks everyone. But thankfully, when I logged back in this morning, I quickly found an actual tornado. Then I almost died. :sweat_smile:
For some reason, yesterday, the swirling rocks were not generating real tornadoes. There was no funnel. Today, they had funnels.
Got that done :white_check_mark:


When you said “I found an actual tornado” my first thought was “@sheralmyst lives in Arkasas”. I half expected you to say you were now in the land of Oz.


I was in my late twenties when I realised it wasn’t pronounced ar-can-zis and that’s when I figured out why I could never find Arquansaux on a map.


I would happily take Oz right now. :tornado:


You are forgiven


The state’s name has been spelled several ways throughout history. In Marquette and Joliet’s Journal of 1673, the Indian name is spelled AKANSEA. In LaSalle’s map a few years later, it’s spelled ACANSA. A map based on the journey of La Harpe in 1718-1722 refers to the river as the ARKANSAS and to the Indians as LES AKANSAS. In about 1811, Captain Zebulon Pike, a noted explorer, spelled it ARKANSAW.

During the early days of statehood, Arkansas’ two U.S. Senators were divided on the spelling and pronunciation. One was always introduced as the senator from “ARkanSAW” and the other as the senator from “Ar-KANSAS”. In 1881, the state’s General Assembly passed resolution 1-4-105 declaring that the state’s name should be spelled “Arkansas” but pronounced “Arkansaw”.



With the best will in the world, No Man’s Sky can sometimes get a bit “samey” after 8 or 9 years. I find the expeditions give me a reason to do things I wouldn’t normally do.

For that reason, I’ve always liked to take my time and smell the coffee - not rush through to the end.

But the change allowing us to start expeditions from the anomaly emphasised that even more. Now, everything I earn and learn in an expedition follows me back to my main game. All the more reason to take my time.


That’s quick! Took me 'till my 40ies!
It doesn’t helps that they refer to it as “Cansas”, which is pronounced exactly as you’d expect it to be, and then you hear something about “Arken-Sauce”, and your brain just assumes they’re talking about some other place now that you just don’t happen to know (after all, there’s millions of places in the US I’ve never heard about).


I know someone who is a stickler for “correct” pronunciations so when Arkansas is brought up, I like to pronounce it Our-cans-ass :joy: emphasising that last part.

Same with Salmon, i intentionally pronounce the “L” and emphasise it too :grin:


Oh, would that actually be silent?


Do you skip pronouncing the L in Salmonella? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Pronouncing the last letter in a french word is a sure fire way to annoy any french enemies you may have too.

It’s also a good way of making french enemies.


You empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.


Uh, no, I don’t?


So my initial experience of an expedition last night was great, but not without issues. Got off the god-forsaken gas giant, found a derelict freighter, and grabbed all the goodies.

I then realised I needed chromatic metal, so ventured back to the surface. Immediately got caught in a tornado, smashed against a rock about 100 units up, and couldn’t reach my grave, which was floating tantalisingly in the air.

Got an expedition goal completed though, so not a total failure!


Oh dear. That’s really unfortunate. Kind of typical random NMS stuff, though.

I think, given how early it was in the expedition, I might have been tempted to re-start. However, loading your restore save would have taken you back to the last time you left your ship.

Glad you’re having fun.


Salmon Ella

Back on topic;
I had some really bad glitches in 2 places in this expedition. One was on the deep water planet and the other was at RV5. There was an image clipping across half my screen. I left ASAP


Interesting note for those continuing a fresh save started through Expedition 17

Note that new saves converted to Normal Mode in this way will continue to have access to the new purple star systems, and the story mission In Stellar Multitudes will not be available.

I dunno if they quietly fixed it in the patch, I’ve been avoiding auto navigation while pulsing near titan planets, but I got snagged on this one while trying to warp past it, and to my surprise I didn’t get pulled down and out of pulse drive, and had a terrificly long journey through the titans clouds <3