Yes. Silent. “Give them L” Salmon can’t talk.
Creature Constipation
I have been diligently feeding creatures. They enjoy it. They flock around me, and invite my attention. They are keen to be adopted and/or ridden. But they don’t poop.
I don’t seem to be able to gather Faecium the way I did.
It worked for me before the latest patch. Have you tried another planet? Maybe they are burying it
It didn’t work with a different planet, but it did work with a planet round a different star.
Problem solved.
It’s an unusual complaint - that a game isn’t sh1tty enough.
I am having issues finding the underwater freighter. I keep scanning in the miles of deep water but keeps saying nothing found. Anyone have coordinates.
I found the freighters are easier to find in more shallow water. I could not find one on a deep water planet
The deep water planets it sends you to as rendezvous tend to be undiscovered systems (Adtow certainly is) so don’t actually have sunken freighters.
Look for a neighbouring system that has a planet with both land and water, scan with Nautilon in a large water space on the planet should immediately ping a sunken wreck for you.
There’s mention of a sunken freighter now spawning at the rendezvous point in recent experimental patch notes, so I think it was either intended for them to fake one in Adtow for us all to discover and it bugged out, or the milestone has confused a lot of people and left them searching Adtow endlessly, so they’re adding a sunken wreck to its RV point.
I saw the sunken freighter at the RV but it did not count towards the milestone, at least it did not for me
Trophy Hall on my Freighter gets another sticker
I was playing offline so there were no indicators. At one point the rv was on a waterworld. (Might’ve been Adtow or maybe it was later because I’d acquired the Nautalin)
I got my ‘arrived’ on the surface. Same with the pic.
Then, out of curiosity I dove down into the darkness & just off to the side in the gloom was the planets stone portal. Just one of those cool ‘finds’.
With no message balls & bases all over the place the expeditions are more explorey & findy so ‘finds’ feel more genuine.
After watching Mrs Mad-Hatter do the expedition & reading a bit here…
I’m a bit confused about the ‘Initialise’ begining part.
When I started, I was miles off the surface & was falling. I fell a very long way.
As I crash landed (due to not much of a jet-pack & an unseen object) I Iearned the tornado reward, ran into a cave & promptly died of exposure…
A moment later, I respawned, grabbed my grave goods & set off.
I thought that was just how this expedition started but I’m now seeing that it loaded in wierd, like directly into a tornado or something because everyone else seems to be on the ground…
You were bornado’d into the world.
I was born in a cross-fire hurricane…
I still never got around to making a custom built ship despite spending a good month scrapping and gathering as many parts as I could almost a year ago.
With the new Titan paint texture for fighters and haulers, seemed like a good time to finally do one.
I wanted to make the fighter as dinky as possible (I don’t have the radiant cockpit sadly for this playthrough, is from pathfinder, so next smallest was sleek, kinda) and landed on this.
I like that you get to take off from the ship construction bay
The expedition told me to build a colossus. So I did, and I went for a little ride in it.
When I got back, my base teleport and all my refiners had disappeared.
I got in my ship, flew to the space station, and teleported back to my base. My teleport and refiners have still disappeared.
Hungry colossus.
Sounds similar to my ocean world base which, still exists as data in my save after examination, but does not appear when visited, basically happened as soon as I walked away after an hour of building.
Thought the recent patch note about fixing invisible ps5 bases would be the one to sort it but it’s still in a state of limbo. (Built in normal save before expedition)
Found one. Just went to a different water planet that was populated.
Has anyone been tinkering around with the Wraith reward ship?
On both my PC and Console primaries, I never bothered with upgrading the living ship. As a result, I had a stockpile of 120 Psychonic eggs and 30 Storage Sacs between both saves and traded with myself as I don’t intend to use the wraith on both playthroughs.
After opening 120 Psychonic eggs, it was mostly c class and b class upgrades, maybe five a class (all for the spewing vents) and the only s class I got were for the Grafted Eyes weapon, about 12 of those.
The highest tier upgrades I got for pulse and warp drive were C class.
The odds of getting a decent warp/pulse upgrade seem exceptionally low, considering you can only get five or so eggs a day if you’re lucky.
Is there a results table for Psychonic eggs anywhere? I looked on nmswiki and nmsresources but couldn’t find much info.
Does it make a difference if you stay close to them or if you wander off? I don’t have a large sample size, but the ones where I stuck around gave me faecium and the others didn’t, or they despawned perhaps.