NMS Adrift ⚓️ Expedition 13

Wrecked ship parts really nice.


Man I really hope you can make the shipwrecks colour black, for this guys sake…

So, can we paint our ships black now? No?
I literally just want to be able to paint my ships black. Not dayglo pink, or shrek vomit green, but black.
When, Hello Games, will you allow us to paint our ships black?

I just want to paint my ships black.

I understand, SCS, that after you made the trailer for the Orbital update where it showed a palette with the colour black, you then had a rethink and changed it to dark grey. You probably thought players are not ready for black yet after only 8 years. But we are, we are. Or perhaps it was too technically difficult to allow a ship to be black in NMS. You thought it would be possible, but it was just too tricky. Please, get your best minds on the job and make it happen. Black. On the palette. For spaceships.,

I don’t give a damn about all these millions of half-assed random unasked for updates that keep appearing when base building is still janky as hell, the gameplay is still shallowly just about chasing upgrades to make yourself better at chasing upgrades, and you can’t paint your ship black.

I doubt you’re ever going to bother fixing base building, the most rewarding part of the game (for me). And you’re not going to introduce at least ‘character classes’ with different skill levels for each ‘race type’ in the game. They are always going to just be skins, nothing more. But you could at least allow us to paint our ships black.

Is it really so much to ask?

Black. Please. Black.

Henry Ford would’ve fuckin loved this guy

Also saw this, had to share. I thought we did have a sorta curvy player model? I guess it isnt womanly enough? They must want that hourglass shape like all the fortnite and overwatch characters do have XD

It’s the misogyny guys, they are doing a misogyny.

Do anomalys even have reproductive and sexual phsyiology to begin with? I dunno about everyone else but I’m having fun imagining I’m a hollow husk been puppeted by a program created by the atlas and given free will akin to that of its creator :stuck_out_tongue: I do go for the slender bodytype though cos, you know us nerds

Ramblings aside, here are my actual thoughts on EXP13 so far, just halfway through Phase 3 so blurred for spoilers.

First arrival to the anomaly was an experience I wasn’t expecting to have. Seeing that place so empty, and the soundtrack changes. The entire place being empty (even with mp on, they hide the player characters, which they dont on planet or in system so this was a nice shock). Those screeching violin harmonics are apt.

Then I went to check in on nadas robotic companion and… ;0; QS’y! NOOOOO! What have they done to you?

Seeing the empty husk that was Nada… The only communication coming from the terminal we did or didnt put artemis into…

Gave me genuine chills about the fate of this iteration.

Did this version of me also put Artemis in Polos sim? If so, does that mean after whatever the Atlas did here to obliterate all sentient life, the only last living entity in the universe bar myself, is the mind arc dump of Artemis? Did Polos sim safeguard them from whatever the Atlas has done here?

I couldnt think of an even more cosmic horror fate for Artemis than wanting to meet people, not realising they’re already dead in the simulation they’re communicating with, getting reborn into a smaller sim with one star system, spending eternity not knowing what the hell, then getting pulled out and reborn into the main sim only to discover, everyone is gone, but hey, theres one traveller, you finally got your friend… You just lose everything else.

After creating the mind arc and pulling whatever it was in Polos terminal out I see now it aint Artemis and this seems to be more set up for just how the abyss is restoring itself.

I get the feeling this iteration is one where the Atlas destroyed everything and got rid of korvax prime, one of its tantrum iterations. And what we are witnessing and playing through is one of the many feelers and strands the Abyss has thrown out to our iterations to regain power and return.

I am only at the start of phase 3 so still not sure how this is going to play out but I am digging the vibe and the storytelling this time more so than any other time during an Expedition. Landing at an empty nexus after seeing it bustling for so many years will always stay with me, what an amazing set-up to something you could only do with years of repetition and familiarity.

I love love love that we cant see base markers during this expedition, that we kinda just stumble upon them. I was looking for a 1600u mountain, saw LOTS of janky wall/stairs towers on the planet the Portal spits you out at but didnt wanna cheapen it.

Eventually found a planet with tall enough mountains and when I reach the crest, someone had built a base up there and I had no idea, was like finding water in the desert I got so excited and surprised! Thank you Traveller, I enjoyed the view and respite.

edit: One of the expeditions milestone rewards is “upgrade multi tool class”. It turned the A class I found on the exp and had been using into an S Class ;-;

If anyone has an A class weapon in their main they’d like to turn into an s class, this is a nice cheap free way to do it :smiley:


Completed. Enjoyed!

Love the new ship and type. Hunter class.


and the new frigate


Yay, now you can get to translating the new posters for us :wink:

I just got my freighter in phase 4, I dunno why I was expecting to see a crew aboard considering the expedition so far but I was surprised once again to see no frigate mission envoy or captain at the helm ;0; I finally understand that recent patch note about being able to start frigate missions if the NPC has stepped out…

I’m wondering, if you start this expedition as a new playthrough, what happens at the end when you turn it into a normal save? Are you still in the empty universe or do the culling filters turn off and everyone poofs back into being?


Just finished the Expedition. Very much liked the milestone of stargazing. I climbed a mountain on the planet I finally built a base on, with the intention of doing it there. I actually had to wait for a storm to clear and things to be calm before the gazing counter would tick, it was a wonderful moment, great idea for this expedition.

The whole thing has been a vibe and absolutely the most memorable one I’ve taken part in. That approach to the last rendezvous point <3

There’s numbers on the expedition Hauler. It looks like its someone’s birthdate in the european format (soz americos)


I kinda freaked a little because this is VERY close to my own date of birth. ;0; Suddenly love this ship a little more and am now curious as to who at HG this date is important to. It’s also a good friend of mines actual birthdate.


Not sure where the best place to post this is, but what’re the chances this code isn’t just a random jumble of numbers? Thought the best place to bring this up would be the home of the Citizen Scientists :stuck_out_tongue:


Ran it through this but didn’t return much

It seems to think its either a base 37 cipher or a series of ISBN book identifiers, none of which turn up books and the base 37 just prints out a string of jargon, unless that jargon is to be run through another cipher or its a youtube link, I havent tried, It’s dinner time XD

Tried with and without the string of zeros at the end as well as with one zero at the end.


I wondered about this as well. It’s presented in an ‘in your face’ manner like it is begging to be worked out. It was just before receiving coords. And then there is the old Mind Arc being built again to comm with the simulation running on the Anomaly. Except this time, we seem to be on the other side of the glass…


I think even my friends who have to hear me talk about no mans sky all the time can appreciate this one.


Different base numbers made me try multiples of 19 for the Abyss connection, but it’s still seemingly random jargon as far as i could tell. Wonder if this is the “Hidden Lore” they mentioned, none of the text strings I’ve seen seem particularly hidden since they show up in the main expedition. Maybe we could set up a topic for the code?

Side note, looks like whatever erased all intelligent life in this universe forgot 1 single frigate captain on the free Frigate accompanying your freighter :sweat_smile:


Go for it!


I noticed mine had one too but only a floating name tag was visible as it wandered my freighter, must be a ghostly crew member from the ship of the damned :slight_smile:
Did everyone elses Reclaimed Freighter have the Dreadnaught interior for its docking bay and bridge?


I noticed the ghostly tag too, but I only ever saw the gek when landing on the frigate.
I think that’s a new Hanger Interior Model. There was a “Ghost Interior” mentioned in the file diff somewhere, but I can’t load it up yet to check since NMSDK & the Model Viewer are still messed up after Hg’s field restructures last update :slightly_frowning_face:



hit record as I approached Rendezvous 5 as I couldn’t believe what I was experiencing.

I miss the flash of comm ball messages of encouragement this expedition so I made sure to go up and read some manually. Someone left a lovely dark souls “trick” message leading suckers into an infested hive <3


Hey for anyone who is doing the Expedition and would like those new hauler pieces, you can only get them from scrapping the expedition reward hauler. I don’t know how many times you can claim an expedition ship reward per save but I’m assuming once.

So if you want more than one of its parts, you might wanna also have it set as your ship when ending the expedition, so you can then bring a copy of that back as well as your expedition reward version.

Unless of course you can just keep reclaiming the ship as a reward on a single save in which case, crises averted. Panic over. Carry on.


Seeing this user post their custom ship is what made me realise it was even possible XD Looks great with other hauler bits using the new paint style <3


Edit: it seems you can collect the ship only once…bummer…You can reclaim ships and frigates multiple times. I assume it would be the same for the new ship. But it is not
So what you do is return to the expedition terminal and copy it


Not a bad idea…

I’m now remembering a scavenger hunt someone made with comm balls in the ECSD firechain, but I cant for the life of me remember which of our beloved community members it was. My mind wants to say sir_oops but it also feels that is incorrect '^ _ ^


I remember a user-made quest “The Lost Empire” by Reaps (ReapMyster). Pretty cool idea. I don’t remember if that’s the one in the ECSD. Original reddit posts with info here.

No idea if it’s still working. It had some progress-stopping errors when I first played it back in the day, but he fixed those since. (I originally had to consult SWORD’s video, who had access to a “cheat sheet”, to get past those systems)