NMS Adrift ⚓️ Expedition 13

This was a great riding pet on steep planets XD

Shiny ghost :slight_smile:

Be freeee, my jellies, muahahaha!

These monstrosities were peaceful (well, probably stuck):

These two two-legged animals are walking in mid air, are the worms trying to catch them?

I have completed most tasks of the expedition but have been stuck at 2/3 robotic animals… The people who helpfully named their base “synthetic pet” are all on the same planet which has 2 pets. The map does not reveal a planet when I select this mission, there is no mission marker and the line just points in a random direction. Where did you get a third one?


I believe the details for the task tell you the planet type and that they are found in blue systems.
I was stuck on this for a while myself. In fact, it was the last mission I did.


Doesn’t have to be blue systems, actually easier in Red.

Some help for others who find it useful:

  • Pin the mission
  • Go to the galaxy map and select “Lifeform” as the Filter
  • Select “Free Look”
  • Look for stars that show up as white, with this filter applied, with system info starting K or M (e.g. “45LY K2p …”)
  • Select such a system and warp in; if there is robotic fauna on a world in the system, the game will show a hint in the lower right, “Synthetic lifesigns detected on nearby world”. If not, move on
  • If there is robofauna there, go to each world that doesn’t have rusted metal on resource list, land, exit ship. If you are on one with robofauna, the game will show a hint in the lower right, “Synthetic lifesigns detected on this planet”

Easier in red systems…thanks HG…I must have searched at least a dozen systems to find that 3rd synthetic lifeform…in blue systems because that’s what the game prompts you to do


I’ll have to try it again to check that I have the details right, but when you select that task from the starting system it will direct you to a blue system with the right lifeforms. I found my first two there and then warped to the next system that it pointed to. My friend found two planets in that system so he got all three at the same time. My second time through I was a long way away from the first system, but with the task selected it wanted to take me all the way back to the start which would have taken about 10 warps with the original ship.


Thanks all, I got the last robotic creature pretty quickly today, and completed the expedition.

I used this method where we can transfer loot to the main save, but it didn’t list everything (e.g. I recall there were glitches in freighter storage). So what are the rules, into which inventories should we move things? Player, ship, freighter, but not freighter cargo?