A topic for the revisited Expedition 7- Leviathan
Runs: December 22nd – January 5th
Previous/initial topic can be found here:
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A topic for the revisited Expedition 7- Leviathan
Previous/initial topic can be found here:
Check the Countdown timer(s) on JSFiddle
Oh no. The one where your first act should be to die and get it over with.
Since there were no high cliffs
Oh no! Another Permadeath one? WTF?! :growl:
They scheduled it to run that one over christmass itself? Peak british humour right there…
Well, Sean comes from Aussie Outback stock and that environment is far from friendly
Same stock – Brits and Aussies.
I meant that with the many poisonous critters and dangers of the Outback … No wonder the game has some nasty threats. We are what we experience.
I still haven’t understood why this mission is called PermaDeath? By my definition PermaDeath means that after you die you cannot access that save anymore and you lose all mission achievements. I played that mission and I don’t recall any such thing happening?
IIRC, there was a milestone task that could only be completed by dying and respawning. If I can respawn in the same game save with my missions, then it’s not permadeath…?
Am I misremembering? I don’t recall whether respawning replaced my ship or whether I lost any slots and modules… The fact that I don’t even recall makes me think that it hardly had any impact. (I would consider PermaDeath impactful.)
If you just “walk into the sea” first thing, you get this one weird mission task over with, I guess? Someone please remind me, I’m not near my gaming PC the next few days…
Its PermaDeath in that your character completely resets and your character is placed back to the starter planet with nothing on you. However, the only thing that stays is the milestone progress and the rewards(edit: the community milestones and those rewards gave better quality rewards, they were still reset, I was remembering wrong). So its kinda easy(hard if you started the expedition early, easier if you waited for the expedition progress bar to fill up), since the rewards/upgrades were really high for late starters. However, the main issue most people have is that its tedious and repetitive, the second is that for some its hard as there are some milestones that can be a test of your patience.
It was pretty painless for me but I think I just had a “lucky” run, so to speak.
You don’t recall right, then. Most milestones and equipment are in fact wiped on death. One exception is the dying achievement, which you get for free again once achieved, but you have to do all the other milestones again as far as I remember.
There is an outer loop for the community as a whole which will result in everybody getting better equipment faster after dying, but that doesn’t change the fact that your progress is reset on death.
I think that is why you report all of this to Polo. It’s an anomaly. Not how things are supposed to go. You are supposed to be completely ‘erased’ and start over with some vague recollection that you have done this before…so being able to pick back up without losing everything is not how things are supposed to go. I kinda wish this would work into a broader storyline in the game. (without the constant death, lol)
Whoops! Your right. I remembered the expedition wrong The community achieved milestones made the milestone rewards give higher tier upgrades/rewards, that stayed after death, which increased in quality depending on how far the bar was raised going up to X class.
Going to edit my old post to not confuse anyone.
Thanks, everyone! Your further discussion has firmed up my decision to not play the Leviathin expedition. Patience is definitely not one of my virtues, Tedious repetition is not my idea of fun at all.
Yeah. Maybe the expedition should’ve been called “Requiem Segno”
Thanks! It’s well possible I wasn’t paying attention, I didn’t die during the whole thing (except once on purpose). I don’t have the energy to replay that one (even though I liked the leviathan part)
Trying to play this on Switch. Difficult. Switch has a couple of issues. 1-dense asteroid fields are hard to find 2-deposit icons do not show up well on planets. I think it is a distance issue coupled with a generation issue. Some planets generate quite well and I have no issue finding things. Other planets don’t want to render in very well. But even then, only the closest deposits show which is fine…if they generate…
There had been mixed reports. I had not lost anything myself either whenever I died. I could just respawn and continue where I left off for some reason. This was not expected or intended behaviour though, but had been reported to happen. Not tried this time around just yet, and might not, as this is my least favourite expedition.
I updated the location image to have the correct planet for Anchor Point 2
Oh! That would explain the disparity in experience.