This is a PERMADEATH expedition. Do not fear the Loop. Place a base at each Anchor point. If you die, they will remain and you can bypass all the warping.
Huh… space whales and time travel? Are we going full doctor who now?
not fluent in NMS writings… what is it in the last poster?
Expedition 7, Leviathan, has started. I have updated the countdown timer for it:
Countdown Timer Expedition 7 - Leviathan
New posters at the bottom @William
Hold on a moment… At 1:15 of the trailer, are those critters firing plasma balls or something? I’ve never seen them do that before…
They remind me a lot of the Purrgil from starwars lol. Pretty cool.
Oh dear. Permadeath loop.
Start again. From the beginning.
So far, it’s as much fun as drilling holes in my own teeth.
Yeah, I know what you mean. More grind, over and over.
I’ll leave it a few weeks when the bugs have been fixed. I’ve managed to get the ship to a more favourable planet and built a god ray device that turns copper into liquid sun, for Polo, for…reasons. When I went back he said he was busy. Uh, ok, I’ll just walk around with liquid sun burning a hole in my pocket. I’ll be back in a few weeks then you ungrateful little gek.
But the thought of having to repeat all stages of the expedition again because my ship got caught in a tree or a pirate ship landed on my head or any number of unfortunate deaths that I’ve had, is not something I ever want to do.
Ah yes, from SW Rebels
I also pickup some Raised by Wolves vibes, especially season two when the evolved “serpent” hybrid creature flies across the planet.
Anyone else having issues with The Anchor mission? I am on the planet it tells me to go to and I built a base and even uploaded it but it is not registering. Not sure the planet it sent me to is actually infested.
I am puzzled. Are you talking about Anchor Point 1?
For me, that was a portal on planet Ennect in the Cebrac-Eliwyn system. All I had to do was go there, and the task completed.
Nope. The build a base mission. I think it is called the Anchor, confusing…anyway, I finally did it at Anchor Point 2. Then my game crashed. The planet has extreme terrain and is full of bases and comms. Bad combo.
The prompt kept sending me to a planet that did not meet the infested requirement.
Ah. I think Anchor Point 1 is infested. It has that funny vegetation.
So does Anchor Point 2. Now I have to go do it again…
I don’t know what it is and I don’t know how I am staying on but, this is the best way to get around the Anchor Point 2 planet.
Uff, lost my progress of the evening to a bug
I think that’s the first time I died in a space station.
Honestly, I had not expected them to reset the entire expedition progress… That might get a bit tedious even for me, especially when killed by a bug. Hmmm…