I may have forgot about the initial instruction…oops. Some other person Who I saw on the spreadsheet that I know in another area is !!!Redacted!!!..that person shared their info…not me.
(See! a distraction!)
(Also, your last point is entirely valid, I lurked here for months before joining. Actually, This is my first forum that I have joined, and participated in…which says something for this user interface/community and the game that spawned it all!)
Crimeth - @Anashel will we ever find out what our CSD IDs actually represented? :
Anashel - @Crimeth I can’t answer that. But they are not random
Kilmerval -
Haha The divide [between designations] starts again
Anashel -
No, the number are not to divide, but groupe different profile that would not normally group. In part.
So the 10 hexadecimal digits from our ID are not random and have a meaning, the designations (8 differents) have at least 2 reasons to be.
Something curious to think about with regard to the pictures of mirrored atlas images given as a clue to the 10th glyph. Nine images were posted with ‘00’ titles. Someone speculated that these might be placeholders for an unknown word or words. I was toying with nine letter words and names and came up with ‘Focaults mirror’. As it turns out there are two ‘Foucault’s Mirror’. The first is related to the early technique use to accurately measure the speed of light by the French Scientist Leon Foucault. The second is an analogy by French philosopher Michel Foucault used to describe a Utopian space:
…" The mirror is, after all, a utopia, since it is a placeless place. In the mirror,
I see myself there where I am not, in an unreal, virtual space that opens up behind
the surface; I am over there, there where I am not, a sort of shadow that gives my
own visibility to myself, that enables me to see myself there where I am absent:
such is the utopia of the mirror.:… -Michel Foucault Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias_
I find some interesting parallells to our existance in NMS here. Here is a link to the source materiel: http://web.mit.edu/allanmc/www/foucault1.pdf