S Class Ship Theory (How and where to find them with the least effort)

Week 3 Update:
I scavenged out the Experimentals from another S Class thread Making the count total now 18.
S Class Megathread

So far there are no indicators of a trend towards Race, System type, Wealth or Conflict level…
Even though it’s still early in the data collection it does look like a 20% chance a system might have an Exotic. The issue is, the spawn rate is so low after the first appearance, even if you are in a good system, it can take a long time before you actually come across one, making it appear there are less of them out there than there really are. I end up looking at somewhere between 100-200 ships in each system before I find all the various models, and in virtually every case but one (when I returned to a system I had been at weeks before) an Exotic shows up within the first 50 ships that land at a Station or Port. After that, I’ve rarely seen another.

I’m still powering through cataloging all the ships in systems, while in search of equal replacements for my old ships (still have 3 more to go), so I won’t be stopping any time soon.

Thanks to @Crimsontine for the link to here from his No Mans Sky thread. No Mans Sky