Real Time Pandemic Tracker

Well, 2 friends are gone. One was 94 the other 86. Both in bad health but their bodies just could not recover.


Sorry to hear that.


My condoleances my fellow traveller


It is pretty painful al around, and yet hardly anyone seems to be wearing masks or social distancing. So weird.

My heart goes out to those who are still suffering from all this. I don’t know if there is anything more we can do to help, but I’m going to keep wearing a mask when I have to go out.


Well, I seem to have caught the Chinese flu. I hesitated to say anything for a few days because it causes such drama around here, but it looks to be on its way out. Yeah, it was pretty nasty. I wouldn’t be surprised if my buddy Jack gave it to me, poor old drug casualty, hanging out in pot sale houses. He took me to the store for a grocery run and was coughing through the place, and of course wouldn’t cover his mouth. He won’t listen to anyone so I just let it go. He’s in Colorado now, so he can enjoy it himself far away from me for good.

Three days of yucky tender body aches, a lingering headache I’ve been ignoring, and a really raw throat. One curious symptom is my palette is sensitive to salt now, so my salt intake has dropped. I think I could actually use more to make my bloodstream inhospitable to these little bugs, but oh well. I’ve been staying away from sweets because diseases really love sugars, even cancer. I need creamer in my coffee and tea, but I use it sparingly. My brain has been pretty foggy too, so I’m holding off on creativity till maybe today if I feel up to it. Mostly I’ve been playing Fallout 4 this week as NMS is just too chill, and even the slow parts of FO4 can have me drifting off.

Today is my birthday - yay! - and my throat is finally not killing me. Body doesn’t feel too bad, and the headache is mostly gone. Maybe after a week and a half, I should have that eye surgery done.


I’m so sorry to hear that it got you! Sending waves of “good vibes” your way, hoping you can get back on track soon.

And isn’t it lovely that we have video games in which we can immerse ourselves to distract us from the agonies of illness!

Also… Happy Birthday! :sparkler: :fireworks: :sparkler: :partying_face:


Brain fog. Lasted about 4 months for me when I had the original strain. As long as your brain tissue is healthy, it should rebuild itself and you will recover.
As for the taste disruption, a friend of mine has long covid and strawberries still taste like an ashtray to her. Hopefully, yours will clear up.
My health situation is on the mend, thank goodness. I have missed so much sleep and am exhausted…
Happy cake day! Coincidentally, salt makes sweet tastes sweeter.


Happy Cake Day? That just sounds wrong to say. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully you won’t get some of the long COVID problems. Heart, lung, and brain issues. And reinfections increase the chances of those.

It’s a miserable disease.


How many police = mass gathering?


That should be in the “laughs” thread, except that it is also so sad…


Just found out my mom is positive…she is never sick but she is really sick now. Mostly in her sinuses but coughing and has a fever. I have 10 friends positive right now…I have not been near them since before they were all together so I dodged a bullet.


I’m glad you’ve dodged this far, and much hope that your mom recovers quickly!

I have a friend that got it and though he is in his middle thirties, when he recovered he could no longer drink coffee or eat chocolate. He said it now tastes like stale vomit, and smells as bad. He used to live on the stuff. It has been over a month now and still a nope for him.

Hope your mom survives unscathed! :heart:


I have a friend who says strawberries now taste like an ashtray… :scream:.



Sooner or later but never would have been better.

Hopefully extremely minor.


The extreme chills from fever. Unlike anything ever before. I am vaxed and boosted but not recently. Hopefully it still does me some good


So I was in a car full.of friends Tuesday til noon and soon after, the driver started feeling really tired. She took a nap and 3 ibuprophen and has felt fine since. She and 1 of her sons just tested +.
Another girl in the car started throwing up her socks this morning. She is positive. I started feeling like I had a bit of a sore throat yesterday and today I have extreme chills and exploding sinuses…there were 2 more in the car. My mom who just had covid about 90 days ago and her friend who also had it a few months back. Waiting for them to test


Sneezing my head off…how does it go?
Achoo! Achoo! We all fall down dead
Ok. I know. That was the Black Plague.


I shouldn’t really be clicking “like” on these posts, but what else can I do?

Get well soon.


Oh, gosh! I’m with @Polyphemus! about clicking hearts, but my heart goes out to you. Praying you get through this intact and with as little pain as possible. :heart: :heart: :heart: