Real Time Pandemic Tracker

I watched the whole thing with an immense feeling of relief. The whole world just became a slightly safer place.

I was very impressed with Amanda Gorman.


Here she is for those who missed it or want to hear it again


She is amazing! love her work!

Personally I started to get this really strange feeling over the last couple of days. I thought I was coming down with something, but the feeling seemed slightly familiar, like I hadn’t felt this in years

Tthen I realised it was a rising feeling of hopefulness.

:revolving_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :revolving_hearts:


Even SM has had to jump into the Bernie memes. :smile: With the joke being how his sitting all alone(at the Inauguration) in his homemade mittens, perfectly captures how we all feel right now.


:scream: People across the road from me are having a covid party. Loud music, kids running everywhere

I have added a CDC link at the top of this thread. It lists, by manufacturer, approved N95 masks. There are many fakes out there.


Well covid tragedy has struck as close to home as I hope it ever gets. My sister-in-law’s brother-in-law had covid and developed pnuemonia. He has died. He had a very dry sense of humor that often left me laughing so hard
so sad.


 Feels odd to like a sad post. Condolences. My sister-in-law and husband caught COVID-19 despite taking normal precautions. Their guess: their high rise elevator had an infected user just before them and their mask was not enough protection. Or
 it was on an elevator button and their hand washing was not up to par.

So far they are handling the symptoms OK. The problem will be that tests are showing lung scarring like lung cancer in every (yes, every) person who gets infected.


They were also taking every precaution but she went to see her chiropractor and she got sick. Then he caught it. She made a full recovery.
To add to the lung scarring, heart problems and blood cots are also common.



Yes,it does



I have to complain
so here goes
WalMart has stopped curbside pickup of staples like chicken broth and bullion cubes. Items I use to cook with regularly. About half the things I purchase are no longer available to me unless I go inside
and it is always crowded
I am angry. I understand the need to stop hoarding of basics but, couldn’t they do that with a purchase limit? My only other option is to get to our only other grocer at 7am before others show up


I think your other option sounds like the appropriate outcome for competition when the customers needs are not being met.


I’m puzzled by this move. Here in England, shops and businesses dealing in “essential” goods or services (food, pharmaceuticals, medical treatments, etc) are allowed to remain open. Those dealing in “non essential” products (e.g. fashion clothing, beauty treatments, sports equipment) have been forced to close to the public.

Until very recently, it was permitted for suppliers of non-essential goods to operate a click and collect service. So customers could order goods by phone or on line, then pick them up from a designated outdoor collection point. As long as people did not enter shops, or interact with other customers or serving staff, the risk was considered no greater than going for a walk (which is still allowed).

However, in the last couple of weeks, even click and collect of non-essential items has been forbidden. The logic behind this is to remove temptation (and excuses) for people to travel.

Quite what the Wal-Mart policy you describe is supposed to achieve is completely beyond me. Is there a national shortage of boullion cubes?


No. Just a national shortage of common sense.


Time for some good stories.(For those unfamiliar with Chick-fil-A, their chicken nuggets are so good, :yum: they often have extremely long drive-thru lines.)

CNN: A Chick-fil-A manager saved a drive-thru Covid-19 vaccination clinic after traffic backed up.


What I don’t get is that why on earth professional experts are not hired in the first place for such critical operations. Government agencies cannotbe expected to have the expertise to handle uncommon situations, so why on earth doesn’t everybody have procedures and registers for hiring in experts on the quick when a job demands it??

That’s not only concerning the US, it’s everywhere. And it gets especially crazy when it comes to IT. One swiss canton adapted a web-application designed for barber shops to handle vaccination registration, with hilarious results (“we’re sorry, there is no barber available at the time you requested, please pick another time” was the message most people got when trying to sign up for a vaccine). I don’t get how governments are so incompetent that they don’t even realise the areas in which they are incompetent.


In Belgium there are cases where local governments hire the event sector to arrange stuff like these.
They need a job right now and they can arrange large things like this much faster.

(There are also plenty of cases where they don’t, and hilarity ensues :wink: )


Sums up current events :smile:


A more elaborate version by a swiss comedy show:

(sorry, only german close captions, it seems
 and I don’t expect many people to be able to understand the swiss german
 :rofl: )


I understood not only öbbis, but Àuis! :slight_smile: :switzerland:


So, was it funny? I laughed just watching them. :smile:

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