Real Time Pandemic Tracker

So here is the word straight from a doctor here.
The most aggressive strains kill the host and then itself. Testing is only being done on people most likely to die from the virus. The test results are being used to track mutations in the virus in hopes of a possible vaccine. The more samples from those with the highest likely hood of dieing, the sooner they can get a handle on a treatment and/or prevention.
So basically, we are all lab mice at this point. If we get seriously ill, they will test us for the betterment of mankind in general, not really for us personally.
If the symptoms take a turn for the worse, it will happen very quickly.
So most cases are simply presumptive and are being monitored by phone daily. Those cases are not being reported. If you get a fever and a cough, assume you have it.
This will likely work its way through the population for the next year or two. Once half the world’s population survives it, we will have created our own defenses against it and it will be like so many other viruses…if we survive this initial phase.


The bigger issue at play is that fact that many countries have a large percentage of elderly ( the aging population problem), and these are the people with the worst likely outcome.


Yeah. We slap our elderly into the nursing homes. That is why they are ground zero. New York is hit bad because they have old Jewish communities. South Korea because they keep their aging at home. Cruises because the retired love to vacation on them.
My mom is 80 and very active. I am very concerned about her and I am trying to get her to make fewer visits and trips to town. She is the type who has to check on all her friends regularly. I told her to do it by phone until this initial wave settles down.

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Yeah. I telework so am safer in that respect, but my active wife has at least one group-related activity daily plus many routine doctor visits. (Sigh)

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NPR: Coronavirus: COVID-19 Is Now Officially A Pandemic, WHO Says.

Here we go! :mask: :scream:

Some good news
New York Post : China shuts all 16 temporary coronavirus hospitals in Wuhan.

Deadline: Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson Test Positive For Coronavirus As Outbreak Hits ‘Elvis Presley’ Film.


Every little bit helps right? :grin: (I stick signs on everything. Vending machine not working. No soap at the car wash, etc)

Too bad I can’t get the sticky off from the Sheriff’s patrol sticker, :sweat_smile:


And apparently Arkansas is now also out of toilet paper…what the heck are people thinking? Nuts!

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It’s the Gumby Apocalypse! :roll_eyes:

:warning: Personal Opinion.


The closing of borders has been far too late to slow down the global spread.
In truth, in my probably flawed opinion, our biggest problem is not the relatively small, (but none-the-less very sad), fatality rate but rather the knee-jerk reactions that de-stabilize the economies of the world.
Take away the name ‘COVID19’ & we have a situation akin to a serious increase of the flu. It is dangerous to those with compromised health but for the majority, it is an unpleasant case of the sniffles.
This is the same as it always is. The main issue is whether the hospitals can manage this sudden increase. Given most of the world’s hospitals are at full capasity all the time, this is the same as when influenza cases jump.
If stupid people run around in circles squealing ‘the sky is falling’, then more stupid people join in & you get the Great Toilet Paper Battles of 2020.
I’m visualizing Mad Max standing in the wastelands facepalming :laughing:

Good hygiene, good fitness & the very rare commodity of Common Sense are what is needed…& it’s needed all the time, not just when something like this happens.
There are dozens of potential ‘Black Swan Event’ scenarios from local weather to global pandemics & all need some level of prior preparation & planning for.

We cannot ‘fix’ old age or poor health. It’s a sad but unavoidable part of life. I recently lost my dear old dad to the exact vulnerabilities that makes this current epidemic dangerous.
As a global community we need to look after those that are vulnerable & live sensibly.
If everybody lives in a mild state of preparedness, as though things will get unexpectedly tough, (at any time), then when :poop: hits the fan, nobody needs to panic.
It’s the panic & associated stupidity that causes all the chaos.

I totally agree that minimizing community contact & big mass gatherings, (like rock concerts/sports events), so that current cases run their course & no new cases occur is very important but unfortunately, I don’t see this happening. Humans are a social creature & most will still interact, which means this thing will keep going.

I think that if you or your loved ones, (or your old mate down the road for that matter), are vulnerable to this particular virus, then a pro-active solution would be to look after them by minimising their potential for exposure.

If everyone minimises the likelihood of spreading this but also continues on spending money (to protect economies) & generally living fairly normally, then I’m comfident that in the coming months, that the health organisations will be in top if this & we will move on.

Hopefully, lessons will be learned from this & next time this happens (& it will), countries will lock down their borders immediately the moment they believe they have something nasty going on.
Next time could be far worse.

As a final comment, I’d like to express my heartfelt condolences to anyone directly affected. It’s possible my comments might distress someone & this was not my intent.
Be safe everyone.


And people need to wash their hands, cover their mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing and stay home when sick.
Oh, and stop handling wild animals in meat markets, yuck!

The problem is one of fatalities and scale. WHO now estimates that the pandemic won’t stop till about 50% of the world population is infected. With a mortality rate of about 15% for people over 60, that is a lot of deaths.

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Absolutely. Apart from minimising further infections 100%, an ever increasing toll is unavoidable.
Slowing it down now is the only way to give the scientists the time they need to create a vaccine.

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It seems the first case here has led to 4 more cases. The original carrier seems to have caught it at Mardi Gras…that was last month. People from all over the country go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. This just confirms what I believe. This stuff has been here. I am not sure my son and I have not already had it. He had symptoms in December that were very similar to many of the people who have recovered. No coughing. A sudden high fever that came and went quickly, then a lot of vomiting…I had a headache for 3 days and it felt like I had congestion in my chest but coughing did no good. I felt better after about 5 days. Who knows…
I do know that there are a lot of workers from Taiwan, Singapore and China in Louisiana. And most everyone I know had a really bad cough either in December or January. Some took 3 weeks to recover.

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:rofl: No, no, no, no and definitely no…
Backpacker: 5 Things to Use Instead of Toilet Paper.

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They forgot the most-widely used alternative to toilet paper world-wide: The water bottle (even still frequently used in many countries that have toilet paper…)
But since the site is called “backpacker” I assume they’re talking about alternatives for longer treks in the wilderness, where water is usually too precious to wipe your but with, unless you’re right near a river.
My standard fallback in these cases is in fact usually leaves. At least in forrests…

Also, their usage instructions for sticks might be… insufficient. Somebody might think they work by inserting… :rofl:


There is so much ROFL thrown about that I forget it actually happens sometimes. Made my day!
I’m still laughing.


What?! People in seats are banned but people putting their hands all over one-armed-bandits and buttons galore is ok? :thinking:

Makes perfect sense :upside_down_face:

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Belgium is in soft lockdown. Sports cancelled, schools closed (except they should take care of kids for people that have no option), Non essential shops closed on weekends,…

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The NMS community has been struck