Photo submitted for calibration

Some great ideas have been shared on the Game Detectives Discord > Waking Titan ARG channel. Objects which have a permanent location and look like they resonate. Tip/Last Call bells in Irish/English pubs, horns/whistles on items in museums (train whistles, ship horns, etc.), pipe organs in churches, college marching bands, fire alarm bells, etc.

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Yea 14-15000 my legs are sore. I submitted a couple moreā€¦ a couple firebells, and a wind chime that was a ā€œpyramidā€ of bellsā€¦ trying to workā€¦ but my brain is all ā€œNopeā€

This task has led me to a discovery. Most of the churches in my area donā€™t have bells anymore. They still have the towers, but the bells are gone - replaced with loudspeakers. The bell sounds are electronic.

Oh, and horns and whistles are not percussive. Percussion instruments need to be hit to make a noise. Blowing doesnā€™t count.

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Same here, only the historical churches in the city centre seem to have bells, and theyre mostly for tourists who can book time to ring them etc.

I do know of an old bell behind a parish in Dublin 8, used to live near it, used google street view to snap it, hope thats acceptable.

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Uploaded 3 more from Humble TX


mine as well

Home sweet home

You from humble too?

No. Just Texas. Loved seeing the flag hanging there :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m from Jakarta, Indonesia.


If I has to guess, that doesnā€™t seem public at all. I meanā€¦ Iā€™m all about making it a bit hard for the AI, (We want those weather forecasts to be accurate, right?:wink:wink: ) But those kind of pictures sure need to be culled. There has to be a Sinto, Buddist templeā€¦ Maybe even a school or firefighter bell that can be found?

Iā€™m having trouble uploading photos to the site. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s cause Iā€™m trying from my cell phone.

I donā€™t think you can from a cell phone? At least I canā€™t from an iPhone

It can work, but you need to get the desktop version of the site.

Iā€™ve tried submitting images through IE, FireFox and Chrome.
Most of the time I get the cycling circle just sitting there.
Even tried letting it run like that for a while.
Any suggestions or is there a tech support for WT?

Using desktop version gets me closer, but it doesnā€™t go as far as letting me uploadā€¦

This ARG deffinately has not been catered for the mobile user in my opinion, which I think should have been a no brainer, the thing that did work really well on mobile was the typeform surveys

Well I finally manage to take one picture I had in mind that Iā€™m pretty sure to be quite original, to realise that my city (Montreal) just got maxed outā€¦ -_-ā€™ Well I uploaded it anyway and here it is.


Sorry buddy, itā€™s all my fault hahaha. Besides I uploaded photos of all the public piano spots I knew in MTL yesterday. This one wasnā€™t there, though! Where is it?

Letā€™s partner up if thereā€™s a live drop in our town. Itā€™s dangerous to go alone!

Haha damn, too late I was. I was waiting on sunny day to do it. Itā€™s on GaspĆ© and de Castelnau. I looked here : Pianos publics | Ville de MontrĆ©al

And sure, why not :stuck_out_tongue:

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