Phase 3 live test

Updated with my lame photoshop skills


I still feel weirded out about the love message. Definitely don’t want a clingy AI going crazy after a breakup. That would basically be the end of the world, or universe. amiriteguyz?


Somebody forgot to teach Emily about consent


I find it kind of sweet and endearing… in a HAL sort of way. :rofl:

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It looks great! :grinning:
Thank you for updating it. I’m bookmarking it in case it’s needed again.

and we know how that HAL thing went…

This is really freaking me out!
I can’t wait on Loop16 to lose control ^^


I might just found a new command?


I think Emily is Pissed off (:

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you have woken CHAOS, now the end approaches

Thank you for the screencap!

Had a thought about something, tell me what you think.

Then we get these:

Are they teaching us how to read the Glyphs that will open the Portals? Are these those Glyphs?


More likely a hint at travellers learning something new in the game. Probably a parallel language but one we must learn in game. 4th race or portal activation…something like that.
Just speculating of course

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I think it’s the rear view of this ship, not the front. Look at the landing skids…

EDIT: Though I see the skids are that way in the concept art.

I can’t see how you’d see out of this cockpit. New antagonist NPC race ship?

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Fella on facebook loaded this.


Advance tech, Like A heads up display, VR helm that uses cameras on outside of ship. lol they make helm like that today that can see through the aircraft when view is blocked.

Good morning! Just woke up and directly to read what I missed during sleep :slight_smile:

Question: was there a link in-game for the screenshot? surely that pic isn’t from capturing the twitch screen… I mean, it looks too good to be cleaned up from a PRT SCRN … right?

EDIT: nevermind. display dataset.0305 in the terminal. got it.

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Yeah but what is the final price!!?

We pay with our lives. Everyone wanted portals, so we’re going to get portals. Its going to cost us our lives though, complete game reset; all progress wiped. Loop16 was not a upgrade to Loop15 its a completely new process that replaced Loop15. That’s would be why the system had to be reprogrammed (i.e. Calibrated):laughing:

@TotalDamnation Does this mean I will loose my base and my awesome home planet? :crying_cat_face:

I don’t think so. Too much people would scream if so :wink:

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