I spent most of my alotted time this week planning how to proceed and defining further milestones, so I’m heavily brainstorming all kinds of things.
One of them is, as has been suggested in other places I’m looking for feedback, further job types. They have always been planned, and I have a couple ideas, but there might be a ton of fun stuff that just never entered my mind.
Currently I have the following job types in my backlog:
Redezvous with an object, attach to it, and bring it back somewhere. May be time critical in some instances, as the object is threatening to cross into orbits it shouldn’t, or might deorbit.
Deployment / Installation
Take an object out to designated orbital elements and leave it there. May also involve attaching it to something that’s already there.
Rendezvous with an object and perform maintenance like exchanging parts, or fix it outright because it doesn’t go “beep” anymore.
May be time critical in some instances.
Like a delivery, except to an unmanned object. I.e. there’ll be some transfer interface and protocols to follow, and if things don’t work, you likely have to get out there and make them work.
Like a delivery, but with people. Which means the payload is going to be some temporary habitat module, and the cargo needs to be entertained, may have weird requests, or may otherwise cause trouble.
Does anybody have further ideas for “mission profiles”? Please consider that the game is intended to be a) relatively hard science-fiction and b) non-violent. Which doesn’t mean that the player will never experience violence, but definitely means that anything that involves shooting things is off the table.
Also, there’s a bunch of stuff in the back of my mind for lunar missions, but it’s still going to be quite a stretch before the game leaves earth orbit, so while suggestions in that direction are not unwelcome, I won’t even be thinking about their implementation for a while.