So, I do art and stuff - general artistic / creative chat

So, since I am, you know, making a game and stuff, I’ll eventually need some art. I have a vague idea of where it’s supposed to go stylistically, but not that much of one.

I really hadn’t planned to get too much into this aspect of development yet, as obviously the code needs a lot more love before being able to justify spending a lot of effort on that, but it just so happened that with me putting some time into worldbuilding lately, I kind of got the urge to come up with some early concepts just to kinda know what things might end up looking like. And so, against my expectations and own better judgement, I actually “arted” something together. The main focus here was not so much on beauty and almost only on stylistics and reproducible workflows. I have some sort of style in mind, and I need a work pipeline that lets me get there quickly, actual details can come later.

And so, after a way too long introduction, here is the first piece of concept art for orbital margins, and one of the very few pieces of visual art produced by me since I was a kid. Tell me what you think. As in, don’t just tel me how you think it looks. Tell me how it makes you feel, what it makes you think of, what associations spring up in your mind. In my opinion, these things are much more useful metrics for determining how close I am to what I’m aiming at than likes and dislikes…