A few days ago I found a cargo container with some wondrous contents. Well, it was actually a cardboard box, but the treasure part is quite real. It contains about 20 acrylic paintings by TravelEcho, each 5"x7" and inspired by scenes from NMS. She would call these “sketches in paint” and not consider them finished works, but I don’t think she’d mind me sharing them here at this time. These were all painted in Jan/Feb of 2020.
I believe she shared a photo of the collection of them previously, spread out on a table. I’m going to share individual shots of them here, a couple every day or two until we get through them. I attempted to scan them, but the scanner was acting up and produced banding artifacts, so I just took photos of them instead. Not great, but not bad either. Keep in mind these are 5"x7" and meant to be viewed from a few feet away. I’m uploading a reduced resolution version to try and get the size about right. Your browser may vary.
I knew these existed and had been looking for them for awhile. I came across them when looking for something else. I cried when I found them. Well, I’m doing a lot of that these days, but in this case there was some joy mixed in with the grief.
Funny thing about Heavenly Bodies… I originally posted it in landscape. I kept looking at it feeling that something wasn’t right. Then I noticed where the signature was placed. Duh!
Yes! I love the sense of mystery and threat that it captures. Very much the way I remember my first visit to an Atlas Station - exciting and a little bit scary.
[scene: A group of travelers thunderously clapping!]
… These are gems … A wonderful expression of her love of No Man’s Sky. I’m thinking of downloading the images and making a 1920 x 1080 image of the collection.
That occasion when you have run to the storm crystals and you’re just reaching out to collect them when… bleep! the storm is clearing… and the crystals instantly shut off, even as the storm continues another 15 seconds. We used to commiserate about this all the time.