Oo I feel so excited about this …I would love to “team” up with you so what is my first step please
I ask as I wish to point out that my brain has been dulled by my pre Liver transplant damage and I need step by step instructions sometimes… I am in my 70s and have always been very artistic and have made my living once as a designer in soft toy factories creating and putting into production my designs…they were sold widely in the 80s and early 90s then I was a freelance designer making art and TV props…just telling this to show my mind was once quick and able… now I have to go at stuff steady as I have ME/CFS …
So if possible what is the first thing to do please… I need c ordinates so I can portal there or does an invite (I am on PS4) where I join a friend who sort of “takes me there “
Are you willing to FaceTime or similar I am on Signal which I like as it isn’t a “big Brother” platform