No Man's Sky Mods / Modding

MBINCompiler updated to v5.20.0-pre1 :link:

Updated files for the “Cursed” 5.20 update.
This will have some issues with anim files I believe but I’ll look into that soon.

MBINCompiler updated to v5.21.0-pre1 :link:

This has no meaningful changes for modding, only change is a field name having changed which will affect the save data key mapping.


NMSSaveEditor updated to 1.17.6 :link:

1.17.6 - Update (26 October 2024)

  • Added new items / rewards for NMS 5.21 (Cursed).
  • Fix for Steam save file format

NomNom updated to 5.20.0 :link:

Updated to properly support The Cursed 5.20 and bringing back editing of expedition (only) saves.

Notable changes in this release:

  • Updated database to game version 5.20
  • Save editing now uses the current context (primary/expedition)

Full changelog here.

MBINCompiler updated to v5.22.0-pre1 :link:

MBINCompiler has been updated for the latest experimental with buildid 16209713 :link: (SteamDB)


NMSSaveEditor updated to 1.17.7 :link:

1.17.7 - Update (28 October 2024)

  • Updated name mappings for NMS 5.21 (Cursed).
  • Additional fixes for metadata formats

MBINCompiler updated to v5.25.0-pre1

Only files with structural changes are the UI globals and the Debug globals


MBINCompiler updated to v5.30.0-pre1 (Pre-Release)

This doesn’t change too much, HOWEVER, the next version may change a lot as it looks like the exml format will need to change to accomodate the format HG is looking for. I’ll post more details once we have finalised them, but we may potentially generate MXML files instead of EXML (since this is the actual format HG uses), and then EXML may be just the partial MXML files. But this hasn’t been finalised or decided yet and we’ll definately consider community feedback before making changes


It’s funny how we’re basically back to square 1 … lol


Haha, I remember someone on the Modding Discord saying that it looks like modding’s headed to where it probably should’ve been from the start. Weird that they’re making these changes 8 years in, but Sean did say they’re “adding things the community has almost given up hope on ever happening”, and I’m pretty sure something like this was one of them :sweat_smile:


MBINCompiler updated to v5.51.0-pre1 :link:

Update for Worlds part 2!
This release has A LOT of changes, primarily that MBINCompiler will no longer be producing EXML files, and will instead be creating MXML files due to recent improvements in modding support by HG. This will slightly change how this tool is used, but the short of it is that if you generate an MXML file you can change the extension to EXML and then use those, however MBINCompiler WILL NOT support converting EXML files to MBIN, only MXML to MBIN.

There are many other changes regarding the way fields are represented in MXML, as well as field names and such, so there will probably be some issues with downstream tools/comparisons between old mods.
Also, this is for the latest experimental, so it might not work perfectly for the current public release, but issues should be hopefully minor!




Alternative Vehicle Control updated to 5.50


NMSSE Change Log

1.18.0 - Update (1 February 2025)

  • Updated name mappings for NMS 5.5 (Worlds II).
  • Added new items / rewards

Ooh that was fast considering all the changes to file structure and compression etc :clap::clap::clap:

I have a bug on my Playstation playthrough from an expedition (liquidators I think), a milestone gave me enough nanites to hit the cap and now that there’s cross save I’d like to fix it and restore meaning to nanites again :slight_smile:


And I did just that, transferred to pc, used save editor to fix my nanites and I was also able to fix another bug I had. I keep getting a warning my settlement is under attack. It never is, and other demands continue as normal I just don’t get notified about those. With save editor I was able to put alert and sentinel presence from 100 to 0. Transferred safely back to PlayStation and happy that all my mission guidance in the bottom right is no longer being override by a permanent sentinel attack.

Thank you Goatfungus and the modding community for all you do <3


MBINCompiler updated to v5.53.0-pre1 :link:

MBINCompiler updated to v5.54.0-pre1 :link:

MBINCompiler has been updated for the latest experimental. The only structural change is to the debug globals but oohhhh man it’s a cool one! There is a new property called SaveOutModdedMetadata which looks like it generates MXML files based on the loaded mods? We have only spent like… 10 mins playing with it so far so still a lot to figure out, but this could be super useful!

Please note that because we haven’t tested it fully yet, we make NO GUARANTEES that MBINCompiler will be able to load any MXML file created by the game currently.
We’re gonna work on it, but for now, I don’t want to hear about it failing to decompile an MXML file produced this way


MBINCompiler updated to v5.55.0-pre1 :link:

MBINCompiler is updated for the latest experimental.
This brings a few changes to anyone using lua mods which target fields by both key and value. If you are targeting a field whose value is Colour , Vector2f , Vector3f or Vector4f , you will now no longer be able to target it by both key and value, so instead it will need to be just key. This should just mean a slight change, but it’s something to take into consideration.
This release should have further improved compatibility with the mxml files that we can get from the game. I’m still not willing to make an claims about being able to compile them to MBIN, but that will hopefully come soon once I get some test data extracted in MXML format to test


NomNom updated to 5.50.0 :link:

First update for Worlds Part II including new items, ships, and weapons and fixing a related crash when using the Microsoft platform (Microsoft Store, Game Pass).

Notable changes in this release:

  • Add The Wraith starship and Pillar of Titan staff
  • Updated database to game version 5.53
  • Crash when using Microsoft platform with 5.50 and up

Full changelog here.


MBINCompiler updated to v5.57.0-pre-1 :link: