It’s funny how we’re basically back to square 1 … lol
Haha, I remember someone on the Modding Discord saying that it looks like modding’s headed to where it probably should’ve been from the start. Weird that they’re making these changes 8 years in, but Sean did say they’re “adding things the community has almost given up hope on ever happening”, and I’m pretty sure something like this was one of them 
Ooh that was fast considering all the changes to file structure and compression etc 

I have a bug on my Playstation playthrough from an expedition (liquidators I think), a milestone gave me enough nanites to hit the cap and now that there’s cross save I’d like to fix it and restore meaning to nanites again 
And I did just that, transferred to pc, used save editor to fix my nanites and I was also able to fix another bug I had. I keep getting a warning my settlement is under attack. It never is, and other demands continue as normal I just don’t get notified about those. With save editor I was able to put alert and sentinel presence from 100 to 0. Transferred safely back to PlayStation and happy that all my mission guidance in the bottom right is no longer being override by a permanent sentinel attack.
Thank you Goatfungus and the modding community for all you do <3