NMS Adrift - Secrets & Lore

The numbers are actually forced on separate lines, although it looks like they used a new and different way to do this, instead of the commonly used 


Wonder if the alignment of the text matters then. There’s also the fact that the first three numbers have a 6 digit difference whilst the last has a 3 digit difference from the preceding one, which is weird if the extra 0s are padding characters since it adds extras just to break the trend…


Throwing anything at the wall here at this point.

The number four appears once in the whole string, think it’s the only number to not repeat.

Any particular coding system that doesnt care much for 4’s?

Could just be a nod to the 4th race, could just be a big nothing, could just be when you randomly mash numbers on a keypad, 4 is the least likely number you hit. It could all be nothing XD


Sorry. Been out all afternoon. Jumping back into my PS5 run.
If placement does matter, maybe the numbers could be read in another order…
Anyway, back to scanning everything and looking for anything that may be hiding… :eyes:


Pretty sure the Ghost Frigate dialogue is talking about The Atlantid again right? I wonder if the “crew” of this frigate were Autophage then, meaning they wouldn’t be hiding in this iteration, or maybe this is another sub faction of the other two races? The dialogue is really vague except for just building on the existing themes of the Atlas Degrading and The Atlantid Returning.


I was thinking about the hidden lore last night and I remembered I got some of those wormskin folios and an ancient manuscript. I know these were from a previous expedition but since I started to get them again during this expedition it could very well just be a nod to this and some of the other things you can miss, like visiting an atlas station etc.

I just keep thinking about previous twitter post bullet points that didnt really amount to anything or seem to have no mention in the actual game update page, e.g ARG Clues that were mentioned for a previous expedition… What ARG? What clues?

I think it was the use of the word ARG that made it seem bigger than it was, when really it was just decoding binary etc and sharing our findings on forums. Still an ARG technically but people associate the word with big scale long running operations.


My interpretation of the number is, Sean hit the numpad with his face! :smirk:

Didn’t we get similarly uninterpretable numbers in several previous Expeditions? Maybe we have to look at all “useless” numbers together to make them useful.


Speaking of fun codes to try! I considered this one for a moment Arecibo message - Wikipedia
Search the page for the words “Full binary message” and squint to see what I mean.

(Unfortunately this cypher doesn’t match our case: The total number of values including filler digits would need to be a semiprime so the values form a rectangle in a monospaced font (which our example doesn’t); and it uses only 0 and 1 (our example uses 10 digits). )

My point is, everyone claims “I tried all known cyphers” — but you cannot claim that until you aligned the numbers in a large monospaced font and squinted at the resulting ASCII art! :joy: :rofl:


Searched high and low. Did not find anything hidden.
I wonder if it isn’t just the fact we are in a universe that is normally hidden. Perhaps just the bits with the frigate and the traveller’s grave is all there is.

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Maybe its not that the lore is hidden, but that it is called “Hidden” as it is the lore of the hidden XD I’m at a stage now where I’m looking for solutions that point to us being wrong


Anybody else noticed that asteroids now harbor space jellyfish?


they always do, but it’s rare outside this expedition.



So we have an unresoved plot point from years ago where Ariadne is an imposter and several years have past with that story point untouched.

We have HG themselves stating that we have new ARG content but was that ever resolved? Or was it just those little bits we found just for fun?

And we have a multi-part story about the autophages and the abyss with the last part also unfinished/unreleased.

And now we have en expedition where the universe is wiped of all NPCs with something odd happening at the anomaly.

Is HG pulling a Valve? Haha


I feel like HG might tie that into the whole “In the form of Null, the abyss declares a means of escape!” thing. Maybe Ariadne’s imposter is Null, sending travellers on the weekend missions to grow and empower the Abyss.

To be fair, they did say “ARG Clues” insead of a full blown ARG. Things like the hidden binary on the images in the patch notes and the Audio File Spectograms hit the mark quite well in that regard! (If we hadn’t found the Spectograms BEFORE singularity even released that is :sweat_smile:)

I wonder if the last part of the Arc will be the last “tease” of the Abyss before an actual reveal / execution of her plans, or if it’ll be the actual reveal itself. That would probably change when we could expect the last part to be released.

As I saw mentioned somewhere before, I think this expedition might be a prequel story to the beginning of No Man’s Sky of sorts. We never see the universe before our first start. Even if it was reset, by us, the last traveller, we the player have no clue at what point someone decided to reset it.

Vessel [ 16 ] being “deliberately transferred” mirrors how we release something from Terminal Prime’s Simulation. We also see that, in timeline of the expedition universe, the boundaries have not yet failed (travellers hidden on the anomaly etc). This initial log being aware of the fact that the fall of the boundaries is beginning might hint that the expedition takes place before we start our first actual game.

Either that, or the lack of satisfying conclusions in NMS’ lore is driving me insane :sweat_smile:


So maybe that is the refrence in this exp to the signal being in the noise.
I need a refresher…what was the audio file

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I agree. This makes good sense, so this means we are the cause of all that is happening.

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Both can be true :slight_smile:

The Atlas was making scary new sounds and when analysed with a spectrometer there was a message hidden in the soundwave, I believe it said V O I D or Mother or maybe both. It was discovered before the update/expedition went live as it had been added to the game a little before the update hit.

I’ve read that log about Vessel 16 I dont know how many times and I just never grasped what was been truly said. Sentinel intervention removed whatever iteration was supposed to awaken in vessel 16 and got replaced…

Void Mother must be feelin like this right now


With LNF on the way and with HG maybe a little more certain about when it will be finished, I’m thinking they might have changed course with the void arc and could be saving it as an “end game” update for closer to LNF’s release, but I dont see it being the last NMS update. Just maybe the last major story based update, I can see them making small additions and improvements to NMS well into LNF’s development just from the nature of both games and the ethos of the studio,


Thanks! Now I remember.
I think @ThatBomberBoi is spot on. SM said this was like the version they played pre release so it makes sense the boundaries are up. Yep…we pulled out something that is allowing Void Mother to come thru…another thing we still have not seen, the result of our choice. Atlas vs Void Mother.


I know Greg Buchanan mentioned he was no longer writing lore for NMS, or he hasn’t been asked to again recently.

He set up a lot of what is currently in play, Those weekly polo missions that led to Imposter-Ariadne were all him for example. I hope they do bring/have brought him back to finish off what he helped start, for consistency sake.

I know Greg mentioned a while back that he had nothing to do with the current arc with autophage etc so if that is true, and he isn’t just being coy, who is writing the new stuff?

One of his novels is being turned into a TV show form waht I can gather by a post a year ago so maybe they were too busy to return and focus on NMS.

He must have an Irish parent because he just Un-Brexit-ed himself and got that irish passport <3 Welcome home brother :slight_smile:

Posting this here too as a reference.

Since Imposter-Ariadne happened as a weekly mission scenario, the lore and event are not repeatable nor do they appear in the archived logs within game, it’s hard to reference it as a result and usually gotta search deep on a wiki or reddit (or nmsresources if you have the stomach)

Greg Buchanan actually has a summary on their page for those missions. It seems to break it down into beats and appaears to be what would have been his treatment presented to HG in how the story would go.

“I intend to face the cause of all these anomalies and disturbances myself, whatever the cost.”

1. Ariadne sets out into space, determined to find the source of a cosmic corruption known as the Abyss. They do not return.
2. The Traveller, following in Ariadne’s footsteps, finds traces of other names - Asteria, the Hero-Traveller… Narcissus, ally of the Last Spawn… Lazarus… Artemis… Hildebrand…
3. Ariadne’s ship is located — duplicated and morphed into hundreds of identical copies across the universe. Before the vessel’s reality splinter, it came into contact with a strange, vast freighter in the darkness between suns. Ariadne managed to escape…
4. An appearance modification factory is overtaken by corruption. The workers within replace their heads with spheres of light.
5. The Traveller goes on a pilgrimage to commune with the ghost of their forebear, the Hero-Traveller Asteria who once led the Vy’keen into battle against emissaries of glass. They warn the Traveller that they will be betrayed, and will become a betrayer. They warn that the Abyss is not what it seems.
6. Ariadne returns. They have no recollection of their encounters with the Abyss, beyond a ship, vast and terrible, and a feeling of being hunted. The Traveller hunts down more corruption, coming across a fallen vessel of the Vy’keen inquisition.
7. Hesperus travels to Korvax space, working with the alien beings to simulate the Abyss. The experiment results in the obliteration of a thousand electronic entities.
8. The denizens of the Nexus begin to lose faith in Hesperus, who has not yet returned following their disastrous collaboration with the Korvax. After finding yet another abyssal anomaly, the Traveller hears a voice in their mind, demanding they assist this mysterious force.
9. Tethys wonders if they have more chance of survival if they leave the Nexus behind. The Traveller finds a fallen vessel whose pilot was betrayed by one they considered an ally. The pilot heard whispers from their own Exosuit, bargaining for survival from an unseen presence. The Traveller’s own Exosuit appears to be working fine.
10. Hesperus has purged their guilt over the death of the Korvax using Nanite Clusters. They share their belief that a denizen of the Nexus is a traitor, hijacking the knowledge stones to invite all Travellers to feed the abyssal anomalies. They wish to observe the Traveller’s dealings more closely.
The Traveller discovers evidence of a Mind Arc harvesting a dead soul. They find a null value in place of the fallen’s name.
11. Ariadne discusses the notion that all Travellers might represent one entity, split over untold forms and bodies. They suggest that working together is merely like working with your own self.
The Traveller encounters a crashed vessel belonging to devotees of the Atlas. They believed the Atlas made all things, even loss, even hate. The devotees were destroyed by an anomaly.
12. Gemini wonders who made the Exosuits and the voice within. They call the knowledge stone and portals any Traveller’s birthright.
The Traveller discovers a dead artificial intelligence, and sees the final fifteen minutes of its life, how it predicted the Traveller might try to save it. Worlds upon worlds seethe in the void. The Abyss spreads.
13. Mercury talks of grim times. Hesperus has, apparently, grown paranoid, refusing to attend meetings at the Nexus. Mercury hopes the Traveller do not meet the same fate.
As the Traveller purges corruption from yet another world, they feel its feelings — malice, hatred, despair, all directed only against its own self. They see memories of water.
14. An associate of Tethys never returned from Korvax space. Upon arrival, the Traveller discovers traces of battle. The associate had tried to analyse Abyssal signals, only to be slain in the attempt. The Traveller is given a vision. They see a face that is not a face. An arm raised to fire a weapon. They see the murderer. They see Ariadne…
15. Hesperus confirms that Ariadne crashed their ship some weeks ago. They never returned. The entity that now leads the Nexus Travellers is an imposter. They believe the real Ariadne is still out there, and that these missions have all been a great deception. At a site of Abyssal corruption, the Traveller has a vision. The structure sings with exotic energies. It sees me. It knows my mind. In the song I hear names, distant, faded... I hear the number at the end of all things. I see its whisperer. I see a nameless form banish Ariadne... And I see a duplicate arising from the crash, returning to claim its shape. If this vision is to be believed, then Hesperus is right. Ariadne is an imposter.

The in-game dialogue doesnt make it very clear, so people do stil lspeculate wether Ariadne is an imposter or not or if perhaps somebody else is lying, but this summary spells it out pretty clearly what happened exactly.


Nice breakdown video.

Now that I think about it, has anyone tried using a spectrogram on the worms? Or on any potentially new audio files?