Following up…
Reviewing the rather useful contents of the Waking Titan/Console Commands - Game Detectives Wiki page, I paused at the REMEMBER command set:
REMEMBER EMMA . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code A534
REMEMBER ANNABELLE ._ _ _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code B125
REMEMBER 89044 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code C753 . . . . . 89044 is Henderson, NV??
REMEMBER INFINITE LOOP _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code D014
REMEMBER DUPLE . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code E915
REMEMBER ETARC . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code F356 ← that’s ours, of course
REMEMBER 9043 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code G103
REMEMBER 80 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code H591
REMEMBER LONDON . _ _ _ _ _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code I185
REMEMBER NEWYORK ._ _ _ _ input valid: Confirm in stream with code J103
REMEMBER LOOP16 _ _ _ _ _ _ Redirecting… (redirects to a pdf)
Forgive me for having been quite “late” to the ARG party to begin with, but…
..were these codes actually used? ^^^^ The _**Console Commands**_ page doesn't mention...
For example, did @LPlaysGaming ever use / display the F356 code in his own Twitch/YT stream…?
Or did @CobraTV…? (I’m probably missing other significant NMS streamers, I apologise – I don’t actually watch that much overall… ((Does @MacForADay stream/Twitch/Tube?)) Got too much catching up to do, as it were…
… and did anything HAPPEN as a result of their use?
Nobody would miss the fact there’s “clearly” 10 unique codes (A-J = automatic 10), but does not cover the different “communities”; rather, as we have ETARCians in the USA and UK, NY and Lon are but 2 major cities in either country, which must also be home to many members of other CSDs beyond ETARC…
So I’m thinking there’s much scope, yet, for this unused stuff to get used in the (near?) future?
Hmm… I wonder if @CptJamesHarry might have any thoughts to contribute here?
Thanks, everyone, for your patience.
((Also, btw, the PDF’s in-document date says “March 2015”…?!?))