Hullo Pilgrims of the Void,
It is I Sir_Oops, aptly named, you.. We did this… Oh, thats right, so we did. just a sec…
…Well, I think…enough…now. I’ll tell…about…base and…trip Pill…Star, next time…
…What are you doing…
…rereading my last post, Im done now…
…and what is with your previous post “ERRROR… Oops…”…
…Would you let me begin…
Okay, I’ll get to my base and the trip to Starfall in a sec.
I was looking through my NMS journey and I realized I have a few entry for this new save. Here is the first…
N2 entry #1
“Artemis says they are strandded on a sunless world.” 06a7:0078:014c:0211
Well ,They are going to stay there! Whats with the non-gender, we are legion vibe to NPC?
I wrote that down because it made me think that there might be planets out there without a sun.
How would we get to them. They are more then likely trapped in some in between place like the upside-down.
-insert cool photoshop picture of Artemis in Upsidedown of Stranger things netflix show, people are eating that Corpite up right now-
N2 entry #2
“TreeStar, Tree oak.” then I drew a sad doodle of my base design.
See that didn’t take long.
So why did you pick your base?
To the point, because its a one planet system, has Ash Storms (I like Storms)…Good for you…, and this…
I present to you SpaceAcorns
(cool you can put a spoiler on pictures, click it.)
…Lame… you see I gave you a slow clap?
Sigh, this plant that looks kind of like an Acorn, reminded me of a book I read once. I think it was by Larry Niven, maybe a rainbow mars story. It wasn’t “Integral tree” but that is the Idea. A tree that grew into space to launch its seeds and spread into space. So, I am starting to build a lore in my mind about this planet “SpaceOak” . It once had many of these tall trees, but where destroyed by the Sentinels reducing the population to ash. All that is left is the Seeds. They wait for the ash to settle and the dirt to become the right kind of soil, before they sprout and make there climb once more to the heavens. I’m sure the fauna will help with that. There is a lot of animals. It makes nomad and roamer expedition interesting.
Here is one.
Then there is the Ewoks, the bird-billed ewoks.
Maybe, I can tie the lore of the seeds to the lore of the first born and the Korvax. Perhaps, the ewoks are a devolution of the first born Gek (I’ve heard this suggestion else where) and their genes still desire to spread throughout the galaxies. So way back when the Korvax were still slaves, on this planet the Gek forced the Korvax to modify the Geks genetic code so that in death they could have a second life as a tree. the tree would send out more seeds into space (SpaceAcorns), creating more TreeGeks (Spaceoaks). So the life cycle would be modified Gek, seed, tree, seed egg, Gek repeat. This is why the Sentinels attacked. This is how the Korvas got the idea to modify the Gek further and gentle them. This may sound familiar to you if not see/read the Ender’s Game (series) So in there devolved state they still become seeds in death, but that is as far as it gets.
…You been dipping in to the Nip Nip, again, I see…
Okay, there is some holes and it may bend the NMS lore a little. Anywho, that is about it for my base planet.
Some boring Journal entries
N2 entry #3
system: Edkoop has 6-14 millon unit S-class Ship (drew a sad looking doodle of ship basicliy a circle with triangle point to one side and skids.)
PLanet: Siswelczyns, has A.perls
N2 entry #4
system: Oklaat XV, 06a3:0079:0150:00b7 , (2) freighter hyper drive blue prints
planet: ???
N2 entry #5
system: Sasovk, 069e:0079:0153:004b
planet: loscantlediq, A-class blaster
N2 entry #6
system: Tispeet-Velia, 069d:0079:0153:007a, Hyper drive thea, Asymmetrical hauler with cool wings
planet: Deber
MOving on.
So, somehow between Treestar and Starfall I burned thru four Generations. I think most was pirates attacks. But, One was… I’ll just show you the pictures.
So, I see this guy.!
I think Trophy. see Trophy pictures
Don't worry it has a happy ending.
I was Ill prepared for that fight.
Oh yeah, it was the first time
Then on another palnat, I saw this guy.
I left him be, remembering my last hunting expedition.
Last thing of note before Pilgrim Star. This planet at this system 0639:0081:01a9:000c
Sand Planet!!!
For Fremen sake, give these people their SAND-WORMS, pRaWn CuRrY!!!
…Brovo, three reference in that one…
Thank you, So next time Plgrim Star/Starfall, Promise, Because that is all I remember or wrote down.
Just another Instigator Pilgirm,
Sir Oops