Mystery of the NMS Cover art

Anyone else notice that the word ‘four’ only has four letters?!


Mad-Hatter did… But I would not jump to conclusions! It has been know for five to also contain four letters…


Sean Will Ware Four Hats When Rain Next Fall Down Over That Dark Fury Face Hair

4 x 16 words :sunglasses:


Be Careful
Be Afraid




Second link in google search: Number 4 - Symbolism and Meaning of the Number 4

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4 presidents assassinated, 2 of which were on July 4th :flushed:. With 4 representing things like stability, foundation, order, justice, seems like 4 is a good number for no man’s sky and NEXT.


This thread is starting to sound like an noob golfer in a sand trap on a golf course. Four! Four! Four! :joy:


I told you all! Four is everywhere!


Sentient_falcon > Detective_falcon

4 digits on a digital watch.


I’m starting to see 4 everywhere…
(4 desktop accessories! 4 books! Great… I’m thinking about my grades not being a 4.0…)
EDIT: Four likes? I’m going insane…


No Mans Sky Next: 4 letters

I just got 4 kills in H1Z1…

on my 4th match…

after it took 4 hours to download the game…

and take a wild guess as to when the game finished downloading:

4:44 pm : o

That was it for today, but that was… weird.


You know, we all kinda just stopped talking about the center of the universe. Maybe we all forgot but there was supposed to be some suprise when we reached the center of the universe, which, as most of us all know, we just get sent back to the outer edge of the universe.

I was thinking, an Atlas can mean more than one thing. It can be a map. Or it can be refering to a Titan, condemned to hold the heavens on his shoulders(as wikipedia states). Now, I noticed the atlas is still a big feature on the front cover of NMS… Originally there was a big secret and reward for reaching the center of the universe, as stated by Sean Murray, so I wonder what the Atlas was originally meant to be. And if the Atlas will return to its original intended purpose and if the center of the universe will go back to having that secret thing Sean Murray was talking about.

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Before launch, when there were rumors and inconsistencies when talking about multiple galaxies, universes… I hypothesized with the current possibility. I thought it would be too good to be true… and I still think, known factor aside, this is the best possible thing we can get out of it!

Of course, the subsequent gallaxy seeds after Euclid could be given a more unique feel and rules to them… not just a different random seed of planets, and we could do with more of a lore reveal and choice/consequence outcome… But making the game potentially infinite? Can’t think of anything better…

I was just talking on the PvP thread about a game I was a big fan of, Spore… In it, getting to the center, once you defeated, allied or bypassed the aggressive ciborg empire that lurked at the inner region, the Grox, was also kind of the suggested point/endgame… There, we were treated to the linear ending many seem to would like for NMS. Not great.

Exchange Steve for Atlas… Erase the whimsical, add some dark undertones… Would it be any better?


Hahahahaha I died with that one!!!

If I remember correctly, yes. Also, the atlas is apparently dying but time moves significantly slower in the game so for the travellers, life for them may go on for thousands or millions of years.

Something I am not sure of though, is:

Does NMS take place during or after the ARG events? Because the concept of time in the game relative to the release of game content in the ARG would either be off, or the lore that the Atlas tells you in NMS is what the Atlas wants you to believe(so we are lied to by the Atlas.) So, if the theory that Emily = The Atlas is true, then it isn’t far-fetched that The Atlas can lie since Emily can lie.

So was the center of the universe “ending” a lie made up by the Atlas to get us to restart the simulation and study us or something?


The funny thing is, there are some features in Spore that would be cool to have in NMS!!! I so miss Spore!


May I please suggest a DIFFERENT set of 4 words to play with:

FOUR / WARE / NEXT / LOOP … (maybe in a different order)

Or, at a stretch:

… using “LOOP” instead of anything to do with Foundation (Update) . . .


I like Spore once you get to the point where you can travel space. Other than that I just kind of go through the motions and try to make all my species friendly omnivores.

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Here is a comparison pic