Microsoft E3 Conference June 10th, 2018

I would say tentatively that they know operating systems as well L :joy::joy::joy:

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Either / or bizarre anime characters with mutant fried-egg eyes, or ridiculous characters wielding weapons larger than themselves:

Kingdom of Hearts
Tales of Vesperia
Jump Force
Crackdown 3

Games that are tired re-hashes of 30 year old ideas? Pretty much all of them.

OK, Ori is a little bit different. But really it’s just Sonic the Hedgehog in different clothes.

(edit) And don’t get me started about zombies… If there is ever one more zombie game made, that will be 500 too many.


I’m trying to think of the Sega Saturn game now, with the blonde spiky haired lad who had the huge sword now…

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I’ll restate the same thing I’ve been saying since the XBox reveal months back: at some point, HG and Microsoft are going to have to start selling this game to new players, especially given that they’re releasing new physical copies with the launch. I was REALLY pretty sure E3 would be the beginning of that push - now I have no idea. But if they don’t start soon, and with a substantial reveal, they’re going to miss the hype window, and they’ll have no one to blame but each other (and we already know what that looks like).

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Judging by MS and their foray in to the mobile phone market, I wouldn’t hold your breath.

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I’m a tad disappointed. But- meh…
TBH, I really liked the way Ori looked.

Edit: I temporily forgot about it cuz it was the first one presented. :roll_eyes:

Second Edit:
Trailer for Ori. I think it’s more creative than Sonic. j/s


Ok, but about that, I think you should ‘blame’ the developer instead of Microsoft.

Guardian Heroes… Finally! :smiley:

Okay, the Saturn wasn’t out in the 80’s so if you are going to hold someone’s obvious annoyed exaggerations to a literal sense at least reference the correct console. He is not wrong about originality being in short supply in the gaming market these days.

He said ‘huge swords’ I mentioned a console, with a game with a huge sword in it? It was released on the Sega Saturn, whether it was released in the 1980s matters not a jot to me really.

I’m not blaming anybody. I thought the presentation was pitiful. Awful.

Microsoft have some control over the games they sponsor, include, and release - but they’re a business. They’re driven by shareholders. They can’t take risks.


Well, your post sounds like you ‘blaming’ Microsoft because of lack of creativity in the gaming industry.
And most of the game that you mentioned also come to PS4.
I do not disagree with you, but I don’t think it entirely Microsoft fault.

Sorry if I’m interpreted your words wrongly.

As I said earlier, the computer games industry has become trapped.

The big companies are owned by shareholders, who demand profits.

If you want to make big profits, you have to make a AAA game that sells millions of copies.

There are models of AAA games. Everybody in the industry knows what has sold well in the past. Everybody knows of experimental games that died without a trace.

So to keep the shareholders happy, the big games companies have to stick to known, profitable, genres and patterns.

Making a AAA game, in a known format (say, Fallout 4) takes a huge team years. It cost millions. And the shareholders demand a profit.

The big companies can’t afford to depart from the old formulas that have made profits in the past. There’s too much money at stake. They keep on re-cycling the same old tired ideas.

Only small indie studios can afford to take risks. They’re the only people who are bringing new life, and new ideas, to games,


I agree that all these games are basicly the same. But…

Kingdom Hearts… I gotta say that is an exception. It was around for 16 years and it was a great and captivating story. The gameplay seems like the same as PS2 despite better graphics, so I admit thats a little disappointing but Kingdom Hearts was overall a great game, specially for its time.

Its one of those games that you just have to start playing to understand. It looks very dorky and I myself was reluctant to play it but it ended up being uo there in my top 10-20ish games.

After today’s disappointment, I’m almost hesitant to post this, but not all hope is lost yet, guys. There’s another Inside Xbox presentation live from E3 tomorrow night at 6PM EST! Inside Xbox is Live @ E3 2018 on Monday June 11 - YouTube


So why exactly is anybody expecting Microsoft to feature NMS? They’re not the publisher, in case nobody noticed…


youre joking right?

Bethesda and a good Fallout ? Muahahahaha :stuck_out_tongue: Only if they do norhing, ask to old Black Isle and Interplay devs.
But after what happened… no risk:

I saw the Ori announcement!
Looks great! I played Child of Light Lately from Ubisoft Montréal, and it kinda look similar even if the graphics are completely not the same


So Fallout 76 is online, every person is real, but your party size is limited, was it to 12? This sounds like what is coming in NEXT. Any thoughts on that?