June 7 Loop16 Seq 29

Okay. I may have been misleading everyone. Clicking on the BUY link on the Supernova site it does have a list of owners of the images used on the site. So probably it is looking more likely that it has NOTHING to do with Waking Titan or No Man’s Sky and is simply a Wordpress theme. ** PLEASE NO ONE BUY IT.**

Fun fact though. The font used it says is called Myriad Pro. Coincidence!


Out of curiosity, has Lab319 come into play yet?

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Okay. I am now more convinced than ever my above over zealous posts are an incorrect lead to the latin phrase we discovered on the Myriad Dashboard.
I’ll remove the posts. They should be gone in 24hours.

Though will link this video I found that the site uses as one of its images.
It has nothing to do with No Man’s Sky.
It’s quite cool and you guys might like to see it anyway.


Not that I’m aware of…

The song “where is my mind” would be a clue ?


I’ve already tried putting my feet in the air and my head on the ground, I’ve tried this trick, but I cannot spin it.

Then debasser by the pixies comes on next in the playlist and I have to get up and bounce around the kitchen.

I think you’re on to something :slight_smile:


There’re 2 things i dont understand in the “explosion” video.
By the Elizabeth’s office window and on some other cameras we can see it i sthe night. But in the #6 it(s more daylight than night.
At 1.37 we can see the start of the explosion in the upper left corner. There is a big explosion, the blow and only later the filmed building explode.
Like if the 1st explosion happened in another building ?


I was thinking about that myself.

Looking at the video, it seems genuine. It doesn’t look like CGI. I think it’s real footage of an explosion somewhere.

But the way the flame front spreads is very unusual. As you say, it seems to start in a different building.

I can’t believe they’d use film from an actual war or terrorist act - that would be in horribly bad taste.

But then I don’t think Alice and Smith could afford to blow up a whole street just for a special effect for their ARG.

Which leaves us with the possibilities that;

a) It’s a special effect from a movie, that they got permission to use, or;

b) It’s footage from an organisation that blows things up to test their safety (I used to work for one of those).

On balance, I think it’s a movie effect they’ve paid to use. It’s supposed to give an impression, rather than be accurate.


If it were real, I was thinking it might be footage from an arms test or a controlled demolition of a building…

At least I’m hoping it is :see_no_evil:


Doesn’t look like demolition - far too much flame. Real demolition / military explosives don’t look like that.

A gas or petrol explosion behaves a bit that way - but you’d have to spread an awful lot of it about a very large area to get what you see.

Which is why I think it’s a special effect. Someone’s got the use of a derelict street, due for demolition. They’ve planted a series of relatively small explosive charges inside drums of petrol down the length of the street, and inside the buildings.

Then they’ve set them off, one after the other, over 20 or 30 seconds. It looks much more like an explosion than a real explosion does.


One could probably create something like that with some software and a pc reasonably easy


There are cheaply available special effects tapes with ready made fire, explosion, smoke effects. It would be very easy to chroma-key an effect in say After Effects. Even professional CGI software today can be totally convincing, done with care and carefully layered.

This is how they created the extraordinary explosion in Armageddon, (one of my favourites) and the entire destruction of Paris. Timed circular explosions filmed in real-time, at high speed, then layered visual effects created the final shot.

The Armageddon Shot of Paris destruction from the film:

This explains how it was done:


Hm. Has anybody found out the link address at the bottom yet? It’s not Youtube.
More Atlas passes incoming as well.

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Do you mean =kiAXxH4e5Lw? Did you type an S instead of 5? I did the first time. It is the Under Pressure video at the top of the thread. :blush:

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It’s a totally “Hollywood” explosion. High explosives don’t produce fireballs like that, and a flammable gas, like natural gas, would burn much faster. I think you’re right, it’s got to be a flammable liquid.

It does seem to be intentional though. The explosions seem timed, almost systematic. It looks to me like the location self-destructed, or at the very least it was deliberate.


In b4 “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.”


I tried to snip/cut/edit each screen as they come into view as if it was a photo, but they are all too small. :slightly_frowning_face: just an idea …

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Sky’s the limit
March 2nd 2010

Is a reference to an episode of “Life After People” from the history channel. It’s available to watch on YouTube