I did see that dialog choice. What I see is more that he’s upset with the situation, and he acknowledges that it’s a result of the decision of his wife. This kind of stuff happens all the time in a marriage (well, not with this specific result, of course). If there’s actual resentment, it usually sounds a lot different. That’s the reason why I don’t count it as a possible primary motivation.
Raw emotion is the best indicator of how people really feel…people for the most part hide emotion and sugar coat things to hide how the truly feel. That one instant, that one bit, tells a lot more of the truth of how Phillip feels than any of the rest. Most of the time he speaks of wishing for a proper goodbye and wishing he had been a better husband…but that’s not how he feels, not really. When push comes to shove he doesn’t really want to go back to her and likely doesn’t want to go back to his life…he’s happy to accept a fake image of his wife in the simulation.
It’s not impossible, but it sounds to me like he resents being in the simulation a lot more than he’s angry at his wife for getting him there. If he’s happy in the simulation (which he decidedly claims not to be, calling it a shithole) and doesn’t want to come back, why the anger towards his wife? Doesn’t quite add up.
Frankly it sounds like he’s more angry at her than at being in the simulation because in the end he’d rather have a fake image of her in the simulation than go back to her. And there’s likely more boiling bellow the surface there than he’s let on so far…if you pay attention you’ll notice he uses a different name for her in the second conversation than in the first…so he’s probably lying about her in some way…but why?
In taking a look on the extraction possibility on Eun Ha dashboard we see it’ll be a “stream downlink access: community event”. Like last year, it could be a Twitch live with questions about her life and we’ll have to answer right, with a small time to answer.
If so there is no time to find the answer elsewhere and only those who had read the conversations will be able to help effectively.
Yes, I think a Twitch stream is coming, and the awesome thing is, PS4 just added Twitch as an app you can dowload, so I can finally watch it without horrible lag!
Yeah I think the new guidance protocol is essentially saying, we’re gonna have to vote on some things soon, and as with any vote make sure you get to know your candidates don’t just rely on second or third hand information, form your own bond and opinion so when the voting comes, it’s organic and nobody’s just following the popular vote
That’s great news bout the twitch app @MacForADay here’s hoping they don’t choose to stream on Microsofts Mixer platform because of X1
Most likely we will only be able to extrace some of the sleepers, and we’ll have to choose who lives and who dies
Emily: Initiating Nudge Subroutine… Hi! It seems like you need a hand… What seems to be the problem?
Me: Can you help us with Alexander’s memory block?
Emily: Sure, what do you want to know?
Me: Did Alexander talk to you about anything else?
Emily: Not to me, but he often talks about the night sky when he’s alone.
Me: Did you notice anything weird about Alexander?
Emily: Not really, he kept sniffing the air, like he was looking for a specific smell.
Me: What’s the deal with the “uneasy barton” text?
Emily: What do you mean? It seems perfectly normal to me.
Me: Did you put it there?
Emily: Maybe.
Me: What is UDC?
Emily: I don’t know. It sounds like gibberish to me. I know that UDC(B) = IXNI. I wonder what UDC ( P) is…
Me: I’m good for now.
Emily: All right!
Weird, when I made ( P) with no spaces, it made this symbol (P)
Discourse apparently internally interprets this to show a so called ‘section sign’ or ‘paragraph sign’. Guess we have to find ways around it to prevent that from happening.
- Adding a space
(P ) or ( P) - Using an escape character
like this(P\)
(P) - Surrounding it with single back ticks
I gave credit to @Polyphemus for solving the “Burnt hay and Betelgeuse” in this video:
It hasn’t lead to an answer but I,X,N and I are present in the “urna dictum consectetuer” segment of the (B) arton message.
...urna dictum consectetuer...
...if indulgence. Exeter ta...
It’s possible that they made the myriad site text to be an easier version of the dashboard text to help us. They kinda imply they are separate by solving one of them for us. That may be why they are both 395 characters. Whatever the solution is, requires that many characters, like using every nth letter or dividing it in a certain way.
Looking at the barton text, they didn’t change a good number of words. There can’t be anything useful out of the unchanged parts. It could be the placement of the new words in the text is important or we are supposed to only look at the new words. But then if the two texts are supposed to be solved in a similar way, there isn’t really an original text of lorem ipsom to go off of.
Some interesting discoveries and idle connections.
I’ve been puzzling over Barton and discovered that it is a crater on the planet Venus.
Barton crater is a 54-km (32-mi) diameter crater on Venus. It is the size at which craters on Venus begin to possess peak-rings instead of a single central peak. The floor of Barton crater is flat and radar-dark, indicating possible infilling by lava flows sometime following the impact. Barton’s central peak-ring is discontinuous and appears to have been disrupted or separated during or following the cratering process. The crater is named after Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross.
Other discoveries become very tenuous to the ARG. That IXNI when translated from Greek to TRACES is coincidently the acronymn for
Trade Control and Experts System web-based veterinarian certification tool. Before TRACES, the EU tried twice to create a computer-based network dedicated to food safety and animal health for exchange of goods and live animals iva the ANIMO and SHIFT networks.
ANIMO network
ANIMO stood for “ANimal MOvement system,” and is a computer-based tracking system for animal movements whereas the SHIFT network is devoted to goods movements.
Also though I don’t think it is connected IX is a planet in the Dune universe.
Ix /'?ks/ is a fictional planet featured in the Dune series of science fiction novels written by Frank Herbert, and derivative works. In Dune (1965) it is noted that Ix is classed with the planet Richese as “supreme in machine culture,”[1] and that Ixian solido projectors “are commonly considered the best.”[2] In Dune Messiah (1969) Herbert explains that the planet’s name (a spelling pronunciation of the Roman numeral IX) is derived from the fact that it is the ninth planet of its sun.[3] Ixian devices are commonplace and considered essential throughout the rest of the series, though they sometimes test the limits of the anti-technology proscriptions of the Butlerian Jihad, humanity’s crusade against computers, thinking machines, and conscious robots.[4]
I have been beginning to think maybe, just maybe, we might find our Galaxy the Milky Way and familar stars and planets appearing in game. That would be so cool. Finally maybe getting to visit Betlegeuse, land on a lava flows on Barton or colonise one of our planets… I very much doubt this but what I love about NMS are the endless possibilities that could be added to the game. I hope Hello Games stick with it indefinitely.
I have come across several 'Barton’s, the problem I have with it however is the fact it is not capitalised in the placeholder text. Just seems weird to not be a name or similar, but spelling indicates different. Even with the clues we got last night, it is spelled without capitalisation:
I have come across the TRACES as well, but feels like a dead end to me.
Roman numerals would make sense, apart from the N, so this makes it a bit of a stretch to only use the IX part of it. I do love me some good sci-fi like Frank Herbert’s Dune though.
I still believe that translation is pointless. There must be something else to it. The only thing they have in common, besides being placeholder text, is the amount of characters, but only if punctuation and spaces are included.
Trying to figure out if there even is a relation between UDC(B) and UDC(P), the only thing I keep coming across is calculations for electrical transformers. I am totally at a loss when it comes to this puzzle.
UDC(P) = ?
We do not even know for sure if any of the above is related to the placeholder texts and if they are, then which? Only the urna dictum consectetuer could be seen as UDC. So if that is the case, how does it or Lorem Ipsum translate to IXNI if UDC(B), which only appeared when Uneasy barton appeared. I am at a loss for now, keeping it simmering in the back of my head.
IXNI also translates to the greek noun of “wake” Which seems relevant to the theme.
Bolded are the words that are changed.
Uneasy barton seeing remark happen his has. Am possible offering at contempt mr distance stronger an. Attachment excellence annul or reasonable am on if indulgence. Exeter talked in offered again no he unable do. Imprudence he and insufficient cultivated. Betrayed clears. In where your 3 ageless 20 men. In so impossible appearance calls 220 Beast 2006. He do subjects prepared bachelor brazen.
Something else that might spark something for someone else, the changed words appear in groups. 1,2,5,8,10
Is it a reasonable thing to assume when they say UDC(b) = IXNI, that they mean they solved one of the text puzzles for us? And if so which one would more likely be “B”?
What would the greek noun “Titan” be?
Wait, if “wake” is a noun does that mean like ocean wake? Because otherwise it would be a verb.
I am personally hesitant using any kind of ‘difference’ as I do not believe there to be a ‘correct’ source for the ‘uneasy barton’. I have not found a source for it, nor do I know how this specific placeholder text is actually called. I could be wrong though.
It seems that way. Not sure which it would be or what (B) actually stands for. Maybe B is a key to a cipher, to then result in the solution IXNI. Using (P) as a key would then result in ??? So yeah, which or what is the ‘cipher’ or could the result actually be the key instead? Still cracking my head on it.