Is there another Evil Entity in NMS-WT?

I think you’re trying too hard to force this into a timeline that just doesn’t exist…neither we nor the dreamers enter the simulation or NMS at the beginning of NMS’s lore…NMS is a simulation with a very advanced timeline. We don’t enter a fresh blank state universe…when we enter the simulation is looooog after the sentinels took control of the whole known universe, loooong after the dog and the walker sentinels started existing and loooong after the 4th race of NPCs that fought the newly arriving sentinels. We are not the ancient ones and we will likely never meet the ancient ones…they are just a plot device to establish that in the NMS universe the sentinels control everything and are the law so to speak…that is it.

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You heard it here first.


Ok, I’m not questioning what you are saying. Please refresh my memory of how we know the Ancient Ones were NPCs. I honestly don’t remember that being said, and I’m not trying to be antagonistic. My memory is really full of holes about everything these days, lol!

See, I can’t remember what the Abyss is! Nor am I sure about Telemon.
I remember Telemon is in the game.
The Abyss was the movie we tested before we ran that new space movie Star Wars back in 1977.

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The research station contains a vast array of scanners and monitoring equipment directed at bodies of water throughout the system. It is searching for signs of something designated ‘abyss’.

The scientists who worked here seem to have been comparing the transmissions associated with the Atlas to strange signals found within the water.

Before they went missing, the workers concluded that this ‘abyss’ seemed to hold a similar yet distinct energy signature to the Atlas itself. Another power in the universe…

{Examine the abyss}
I examine the records relating to the abyss. They show a repeating pattern of sixteen energy bursts, music that emerges from beneath the waves.
Contact appears to alter individual personality and objectives, changing even the most devoted Korvax into an agent of some unfathomable power.
Infected Nanite Clusters appear to be present within the archives. I take some of them. It seems to be for the best…

Edit: sounds like it corrupts things


For one they’re part of the established lore from long before the game started and travelers were not capable of meeting before the game started…literally the entire story of Atlas Rises spells it out that it is near the end of all things, near the death of the atlas itself(and near the end of the simulation(as the simulation cannot exist without the Atlas because the Atlas is creating it) when the simulations start merging together and enable the travelers to start meeting for the very first time. The 16 minutes until the end is the story of when the atlas and the simulation will be destroyed.

“Hello, world.
The Atlas has created a simulation of its own world, its entire existence, in an attempt to witness its own impending death. It wishes to show me its past, its future…”

Ten minutes left

The Travellers are no longer separated, no longer kept apart. They stand side by side at the end of days, traversing the remnants of creation, laughing, dying.

Five minutes left

It witnesses its own self, the black hole ripping apart its world, its core systems almost destroyed.

Could this be talking about the MP aspect of the game? Or something else?

It literally tells you that travelers never meet until the end of days…the destruction of the Atlas…and travelers is the ONLY thing players are…we are ALL travelers. The ancient ones could not in any capacity have been players.

Ok. Thanks for the help. I understand what you are saying.

That’s not true. It’s entirely possible that the “ancient ones” were travelers.

Null clearly says he has reached the center of multiple galaxies, and made multiple resets. I don’t believe that all simulations runs along the exact same timeline. It’s clear that other universes existed, and ended, before the events of the game take place. It’s entirely possible that as another universe came to an end, the barriers fell there, and travelers could see each other. All before the player’s iteration ever existed.

“-null- tells me, then. They tell me what they did. They could not face death. They did not want to leave their life, so they took the lives of others, retreating to the heart of the ATLAS at the end of each simulation. There it lived on. There it survived”

Did you read any of what I just said? The lore makes it conclusively clear that at no point before the end of days do travelers meet AT ALL…in any capacity…until the Atlas is about to die and simulations merge no two travelers EVER meet or even coexist in the game…the story of Atlas Rises specifically makes a point of noting that despite our character and Apollo being in the same place we cannot meet or see each other…there is only ONE traveler per simulation…until the very end.

And no player has EVER in ANY capacity played as anything other than a traveler and there are exactly ZERO indications that this is going to change with NEXT and there are exactly ZERO references to the sentinels and the ancient ones in the ARG for NMS NEXT.

You are correct in that the Travelers themselves are not something more, the Remembrance lore is clear that they are the copied brain-scan data of the Atlas’ creator.

But there is the thing, we ARE the remnants of the ancient “gods” of the NMS universe, we are data based on the living creatures (I’m not convinced they were humans, the lore does not state this) that built the machine. So we are the children of the “old ones” so to speak, but not in the way the original poster is suggesting.


I most certainly did. All of it.

Can you define when that is? Relative to who? According to the timeline of which iteration? Because it’s clear that universes existed, and ended, well before you as a traveler did.

Or are you trying to refer to the completely unknown timeline that exists outside the simulation?

READ my previous replies.

Yeah but the ancient ones were not gods…they were a race like the other three that fought the sentinels and were wiped out.

It’s entirely possible that the Atlas has been dying for billions of years. And that’s on the Atlas’ timeline. Who knows how long the barriers have been deteriorating relative to the simulation. As I posted above, Null has ended several iterations. Who knows how long this has been going on.

There’s no evidence to suggest the barriers weren’t failing long before your iteration even begins. And it’s probable that they were.

But last summer we saw a name which match perfectly with abyss… Cthulhu. Another “dreamer” then.
Maybe we’ll see this kind of evil entity.

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But it IS abundantly clear that no two travelers have ever met before…the ancients were gone long before the start of the game, and the dog and walker sentinels existed long before the travelers were summoned into existence by the Atlas.

Define meet. Do you mean to see each other? To meet face-to-face? You say only one traveler per iteration, but the travelers you meet exist enough in your universe to physically interact with you. They give you items and trade with you, that’s direct physical interaction. So, do they exist in my universe if I can see them, hear them and interact with them?

The only way I see your argument working logically is if the Atlas didn’t start dying until the beginning of the player’s iteration. Which I find highly unlikely. As I quoted above, Null ends multiple iterations before yours. Why would he do that if he wasn’t asked to by the Atlas? And why would the Atlas ask him to if there wasn’t something wrong?

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Dude STOP trying to twist nonsense. The lore is clear cut, the player travelers are summoned into existence before the 16 minute countdown begins and the travelers are completely separated until the 10 minute mark…no two travelers can coexist or fight together…the lore makes it abundantly clear the ancients were a race that fought a war against the sentinels and were wiped out…it is literally impossible for ANY two travelers to fight together or to have a war before the game begins.

Show me ONE person who has a copy of No Man’s Sky where the ancients are alive and the dog or walker sentinels do not exist and only AFTER that come at me with technical trash about how the ancients were players who had a massive MMO showdown with the sentinels.