Introduction Thread

(( bumping ))


to our most recent Arrivals at the ETARC Citizen Science Division (hub/forum)!

PLEASE take a moment to tell us all a bit about yourself, your experience of NMS so far (incl when you bought NMS; 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, NEXT), and what you might be looking for from this comfortably-close & helpful community.

Members range in NMS experience, and are willing to help in ALL SORTS of situations, be it in-game issues, or systems issues (technical, hardware, front-end, etc) – you need only ASK by posting your issue.
(Please remember to use the Search feature to see if it hasn’t already been addressed elsewhere, first!)

We, the ECSD Members, all look forward to getting to know you. Welcome to the ECSD Community.


“Sergeant-at-Arms” / Reception Host / Welcoming Party :rofl:


The ETARC Citizen Science Division of the ATLAS Intergalacticorp ( :stuck_out_tongue: )
… working in partnership with other CSDs in the wider NMS community
HERE for YOU.”