Help a fellow Traveller

Good to know. Perhaps we shouldn’t have announced that in public - It’ll be the next thing to be nerfed, now.:grinning:

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I know what you mean, but I believe Sean stated portals are intended for experiencing planets earlier, or that are otherwise difficult to reach. I already use a specific address for kelp sac, rather than searching randomly for the stuff. I am hoping the community can organize a list of portal addresses for each resource.

The worst one is extreme survival - Polo will ask you for evidence of something like level 5 extreme survival. And that means (as a minimum) going to an extreme planet, finding a cave, and staying there (alive) for something like six to eight hours real-time.

Thankfully, you can now do it cumulatively (ie in parts). At one time, you had to do the whole thing all in one go, otherwise it didn’t count.

There are also things like “earn X amount of money”, “kill X amount of sentinels”, “destroy X number of pirates” - that sort of thing.

As far as I remember there are 10 altogether, and the theta upgrade is awarded for completing the last one.

Well, I have already survivedd 23.3 sols in extreme conditions. I think that for some reason, all my interactions with Polo reset. I don’t know. But he is accepting all my data when I visit him so I will just keep moving forward. :blush:


HG has done a new one that is BAD!!! lol

Are you willing to open freighter containers with 1 lubricant ?

damn expensive it is.

Better be something good and not just units and clusters

Has anyone open them yet?

I saw a screenshot somewhere asking for a circuit board. I want to know what could be worth throwing over a mil at. It can’t just be credits.

yea, I just walked away, ain’t doing freighters, send 480,000 to get 53,000 nope

on FB where I posted a similar question, they have said nope they would not and are avoiding freighters.

I don’t know what HG was thinking on this issue.

When you get units or clusters and have to use items that you can sell and get a better return?

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Hold on, so it is just credits and nanites inside? What a waste…

Here is a new one:
Please explain why the bottom option is more expansive?

yes, that is what it seems

I have noticed this as well with ships. Pricing does not seem to make sense. Maybe it depends on the system you are in? Either way, I have an A class multitool with 27 slots and I got it for free for helping out a Vy’Keen at a depot. I also get similar outrageous offers.

opps I should have said it was on the anomaly with Nada and Polo

Meaning the price is modified by the system economy?

27 ? Are you sure ?

There is a discussion about it on Steam, it seems that it depends of our level for the demanding ressources. Some stil need iron or such things and high level need lubricant or circuit board. The reward is still nanites and credits.

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Typo. I was tired and headed to bed. :anguished: 24 slots

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Tis the wonder why would who want nothing?


Already as they were in 1.30, crashed freighters and also broken tech pods (the little blue sparky nanite-givers) were hardly worth interacting… If they contained blueprints or nothing, like 1.1, then it would be worth the gamble. Same goes for NPC pay-for-interact options… It’s damn expensive for a moment of their time! It used to be that they were so impressed to see me they would give me their females to wed on the mere sight of 10 Carbon and my luxury freighter… Now they are so costumed to passing players and travelers everywhere, they ask me for a thousand just to know what time is it…


I know this was discussed somewhere but I can’t remember Remembrance Can some one help?

“I’ve forgotten Remembrance” was one of mine.

If you’ve achieved it, it’s an exosuit upgrade blueprint - and you’ll only find it in the exosuit upgrades menu - which was why I couldn’t find it.

If you haven’t achieved it yet, it comes at the end of the Purge - which, as far as I remember, comes after the end of the Artemis quest.

And if you’ve achieved it, but you haven’t made it yet, you need Heart of the Sun to craft it. And that’s complicated.

:sweat_smile: Thanks! I totally forgot until I FINALLY got Atlas pass v2 then found put why I needed it!