Help a fellow Traveller

Yeah, some of them are creepy. “Suppress Sentience” and “Universal De-translation”

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Best one I have found read
Mobile Aegis
Subroutine …///…///…///

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Ok. I need cymatygen so I need to go to a blue star which means I need warp reactor theta…so who has that? Vy’Keen? Korvax? Gek?

Gek sell ship upgrades, korvax sell suit upgrades, vy’keen sell multi-tool upgrades.

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Another option is to complete all quests for Polo on space anomaly.


Does he still give them out?

Locate a Traveler on Space Station or Trading Post, and open a conversation with them. Ask where they come from (pay the 100 Nanite Clusters) and the Traveler will give you a grave location where you can acquire a glyph. The Travelers appear randomly in the game, so just keep exploring and eventually you’ll find one. Hope this helps.


I was working on crafting the Heart of the Sun, and was stuck looking for Rubeum … finally, ‘pinned’ the blueprint in my exosuit, and the very next day I came across a system full of Rubeum. This might help you find Cymatygen.

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I will try that. Thanks!

As you first stated, you can only find cymatygen in blue star systems. And as you also stated, you can only get to blue systems with warp reactor theta.

AFAIK, (and I would be happy to be proven wrong), the only way to get the theta upgrade is to complete Polo’s quests. I’ve never seen it offered anywhere else, nor have I seen anybody claiming to have found it anywhere else.

The sigma and tau upgrades can occasionally be found at nanite traders. But not the theta. Only Polo gives that. If I remember rightly, it’s the reward he gives you for finding all creatures on 10 planets.

Once you have the theta upgrade, cymatygen is easy to find. All planets in blue star systems have it. It’s blue, like heridium, but rather than standing as a pillar like heridium does, cymatygen tends to be found as the lining to holes in the ground - the way Emeril is generally found.

I got the last warp upgrade from an abandoned building but it was ages ago, probably before the Pathfinder update. I know it wasn’t from Polo as I’ve never scanned all the creatures on one planet, much less 10, but they very well could have changed the requirements since then. YMMV.

They certainly have. Abandoned buildings only give nanites and lore now.

Well, I have discovered all creatures on 20 planets. I will keep visiting Polo at every opportunity. So far, still no theta warp. :confused:

There are other quests you have to complete, too. It’s a sequence. When you talk to him, he will ask you for something - that’s your next quest for him. Eventually, he should ask you for the animals quest. And then you’re home clear - because you’ve already done it.

Ok. Thanks. I will keep at it.

I saw someone post a portal address using first 2 glyphs that defaulted to a planet with cymatygen. If anyone has the address, it might be a cheaty way to get it.

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Nice thinking. But with portals, it wouldn’t surprise me if when you get there, there’s no cymatygen - just like there’s no crashed ships, or ships landing at trading posts.

Deposits don’t disappear, they just gimp the transport stuff.

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Well, even though I have met with Polo dozens of times, he just now FINALLY gave me Atlas pass v2 so maybe this approach will work. Thanks all!

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