Glyph combinations

had the same problem… nothing responds…

You need to find glyphs ingame from what I can gather among the notes and posts. Only once you have glyphs can you activate them.


Glyphs might be like the tech.
Regardless of what you knew before, now you must relearn everything.

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I started a new game for 1.3, I’m now about 4 hours in. You’re absolutely right - none of my old tricks and dodges work any more. There’s lots of new things, and lots of old things done in new ways.

On PC, if you press “P”, then go to the “Guide” tab, there’s a whole section on glyphs - and they’re all blank. It looks like you have to find them, or learn them.

You find a few as part of the Artemis quest.

It’s good to know somebody’s finding out how they work. I suspect I’ve got a lot of game to play before I get to that quest.

You’ll know you’re on the Artemis quest when you find the “You’re not alone” message, the same message you get when you put in “WHOIS FOURTH RACE” actually


From what I can tell you find the glyphs via monoliths. You get three glyphs for doing the Artmeis quest.

Everyone should just type out their planets glyphs. Bird, ship, dinosaur, swirly, line thingy, etc…

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This has not popped up for me, what’s the best way to trigger it?

Near Pilgrim :star2:

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Toxic Planet, Only planet in system


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Just for my own use, I concocted a list of names for each glyph.

0-Su 1- My 2-Ech 3-Sky 4-At 5-Mu 6-Wa 7-Ti 8-Pra 9-Zan A-Che B-Gwo C-Kaf D-Lei E-Em F-Lo

the glyph addresses above could be expressed as:
WaSuLoMy MyCheMuZan AtMuSuLei


EmEmAtAt SuWaTiMu LoZanEchPra

Just for kicks.


Seems pahefu found a correlation between hex addresses and glyphs combinations. Mind blown!
Here it is, on the second tab… Not sure how it works though… Maybe we’ll have to reconsider the hex values of each glyph @chelofellow


As far I’ve understood (thanks to other people from several platforms)

Hex address is
Voxel X (4 digits in hex) : Voxel Y (4) : Voxel Z (4) : Solar System Index (4)

Portal corresponding glyphs combination is
Planet number (1) : SSI (3) : VY - 7F (2) : VZ - 7FF (3) : VX - 7FF (3)


sorry no coordinates - but is my current homeworld (before & after 1.3 - used to be a dreamy sunset ocean paradise, and now a dry yet vegetated temperate landscape)

@Mr_Ickus - A bit spooky how our screens look so alike! :crazy_face:

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If i’m right @Kryzla, You should be here 0DA3:007A:0511:0053

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OOOooo thats pretty nifty to know :smiley:

So to be clear, how did you work that out? Does Pahefu’s app work for any galaxy? (I’m in Hilbert)

NOTE: Checked by inputting back, and sure enough it turns out the same glyph sequence.

Galactic hub and pilgrim star aren’t a thing in Hilbert, but this Pafehu app still help locate ourselves, wherever galaxy we are…
For hex address i reverse use the above method :
Your glyphs sequence in hex : 1 053 FB D12 5A4
Discarding first 1 (planet number)
053 is your Solar System Index
Your y-position is FB + 7F = 17A (keeping last 2), that makes 007A
Your z-position is D12 + 7FF = 1511 (keeping last 3), that makes 0511
Your x-position is 5A4 + 7FF = DA3 (keeping 3), that makes 0DA3
So, Your hex address is 0DA3:007A:0511:0053


Dear @oldgods, there is a fellow CSD member by the name of @William whom is either much smarter than I or highlights how subintelligent I am or BOTH!..

  • I understand translation of glyphs into a hex string.
  • I accept that the first value is discarded (but i do not know why)
  • I accept that the 2nd-4th values relate to system index (but i do not know how)
  • Where on Oldgods Earth does 7F & 7FF come from???
  • Luckily my Windows Calculator can add these things together!
  • I guess 0053 is SSI but how do you know the first value 0?
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