First glyph is discarded because it refers to the planet number inside your solar system.
7F is between 00 and FF (appears Y dimension is only 2 digits)
7FF is between 000 and FFF (appears X and Z dimensions is 3 digits)
Center of galaxy is consequently 07FF:007F:07FF (in x,y,z axes)
0 is added cause addresses are displayed on 4 digits (only 3 or 2 first have meaning)
Is planet number always the value 1 or does it depend on #planets in system?
So if 00 & FF are bottom to top, 000 & FFF are left to right & front-to-back?
Why does Y have 2 digits yet X, Z have 3 digits?
Again, because last voxel relates to system and systems are a 3 digit number, will the last voxel always start with a 0?
Planet (or portal or moon) number depends on where you are in a solar system. But it doesn’t change your solar system location.
So it could in theory be 0,1,2,… may be up to F if we have 16 planets/moons/portals in a given solar system. 0 seems non working though.
Seems in NMS, known galaxies yet are ovoid and non perfectly spherical (for now). Our Milky Way as a ‘flat’ side too!
You’ll find more details about solar system index in the reddit link few posts before, in ‘coordinates system’.
Well Will, I’ll stop picking your brains and thank you for your explanations thus far. Next portal I find i’ll give it a go, and check it against a signal scanner and Pahefu’s app. In the meantime, i’ll try and develop my understanding of dimensional navigation, thanks again
Seems galaxies aren’t populated the same… So a point of interest in one could be middle of nowhere in another. Hence, this app can still ‘locate’ ourselves so that people can come closer and meet.
Sorry it wasnt clear. I wasnt implying you had given wrong glyphs, I just had a feeling that my translation was wrong - @William’s verfication however did give me a brief sense of accomplishment (not forgetting his invaluable tuition either!)
yah apparently you are not alone. I can not find it nor can many others. Must be a glitch. My buddy is on a starting planet and his has a the triforce glyph.