I read this 16h after it was posted ;0;
yes but… does it have VR?
This constitutes game related right?
I certainly felt like I was back in Revachol, I dunno about you guys
Finally catching up with the latest free update for Vampire Survivors and the new Achievements that come with it.
One popped instantly for me as my previous play progress was counted towards it.
EXTRA: Pako Battiliar
Defeat a total of 161616 bats.
Has to be a NMS reference right? I know the game has a 16bit vibe but the three repetitions seems a bit too coincidental. I also thought maybe it’s some italian/religion nod due to the naming schemes for a lot of the things in the game.
I googled “significance of 161616 bats” and sure enough this was the first result so I’m definitely going with a nod to NMS
Now I’m picturing the grind of killing this many bats, and I don’t want to play the game!
Bats are my most hated of all enemies.
Oh dear lord…I hope the NMS update doesn’t turn any of the flying fauna hostile
For about twenty years then wooden shed down the back garden had been delapidated and well beyond use but my folks still shoved whatever old clutter they could in to it.
Last summer I cleared it out and cut the last remaining supports down.
This year I’m doing some major landscaping and remodelling to the garden and I uncovered this from beneath the dirt where the shed once lay.
An ancient artifact, the mythical PS2 Dual Shock Clear Controller
The cable is still buried deep XD
And @ThatBomberBoi made news
I’ll be honest, the kind of attention that post got really spooked me out
I didn’t think it’d be something to report on when posting but, I guess gaming press really like putting out whatever they can find on a hot topic.
I can imagine so much better to just quietly go about doing what you enjoy
Now I know of two famous bombers online. Hrbomberguy and thatbomberboi
Y’Know, outside the context of gaming, that first sentence might seem a lil suspicious
I’ve always wanted to be on a list, granted it was a guest list for a fancy soirée but beggars can’t be choosers. I wasn’t planning on flying anywhere anytime soon anyway.
My only connection to GameInformer was waiting for americans to upload magazine scans to forums for the latest news on games. You guys always got the exclusive looks and reveals that would come to the UK mag equivalents maybe the following month.
Or back in the days of physical distribution, translating to several languages for a “european” release and also localising the dialogue meant it could be months before a US game would arrive to our shores. So magazine scans from the states were a window into that world via 56k dial up.
Then youtube and streaming abilities online plus widespread broadband meant that kind of thing died off. And the gaming industry became such a behemoth that developers could have all their translations and localisations done before a game was even finished; combined with digital releases (or publishers with deep pockets and a physical distribution model) and worldwide launches, the demand for magazine scans plummeted.
I think the coveted Famitsu scans with translations are probably still in high demand, but its due to all this that I assumed all print media for the games industry was just gone the way of the Do Do.
Shocked to learn Game Informer was still going, devestated to hear it was brought to an end. Reading online it seems to have still been doing very well, gamestop bought it in 2000 so that would explain its wide circulation and heavy promotion.
Sadly GameStop owning them also explains why there was a sudden shuttering. They’ve been chopping off their limbs for years now trying desperately to stay afloat (mostly because of wreckless management practices and fucked up corporate behaviour during their hey day thats coming home to roost; actual modern digital consumer practices aside).
GameInformer seems like another one of those unfortunate sacrifices made so that Gamestop may continue to live and become a merchandise and arcade store.
The only physical stores left in my country, cos gamestop pulled out and GAME died a death during the recession, is a trade in/pre-owned electronics store known as CEX. It’s pronounced Sex in case anyones wondering. I know I was for years, then I heard their ads on the radio and was like, okay if thats what you’re calling it then I’m gonna stop saying the letters like the acronym I thought it was,
Rest in Pulp, GameInformer <3
Okay this guy said everything I was trying to say above about gamestop nice and succinctly XD
“The industry is worse off without GI and that stupid piece of shit company that’s been flying by its pants off meme stocks couldn’t stand to see a part of it be successful without their direct intervention.”
Kotaku article covering the industry response. Staff were only notified yesterday by a meeting for the plans. Just disgusting. The month they were foudned too. Smooth moves gamestop
GameStop continuing to behave exactly as you’d expect GameStop to. Just wiping it from existence and not even giving the staff the courtesy of a proper send off.