Galactic Coordinates Thread

I will add a message on my base so you can find where it is, I have a lot lot stuff for farming making motherboards and explosive liquid, lots for farm… you could make a few million units in 2 hours :wink:

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Hi :slight_smile: yeah I am interested in relocating - preferably a planet with native Star Bulb growth.

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Hi @sheralmyst,

So finally approx. 8hrs of gameplay and numb thumb from holding the Nomad accelerator joystick on full, I have returned to my Home planet and base.

It was an amazing adventure to visit your planet and wrong base. the terrain is extreme but really one of the most stunning with its shades of green, the long hours traversing its surface, and the lighting changes through day and night cycles really have created some good memories.

Thank you for reciprocating and visiting my planet [ I need to leave a comm message explaining that travellers need to bring their own stock of PU!] and base and leaving your comm ball message :slight_smile:

Here are some of my final moments on Toxicus Planeta :


Thanks for dropping by!


Very cool.
I visited Traveler101’s base a while back and it too was nearly 8 hours on the ‘other’ side of a portal.
When you are that far from safety, it really makes you feel small and helpless and that feeling when you finally get back to he portal is such a mental sigh-of-relief.
Travelere101’s planet was actually an ocean world and at one point in my trip my Nomad simply jammed and was frozen. Out of the sheerest luck I noticed a tiny island just within range and was able to summon my exocraft and continue on but that was pretty scary.
My tip for you guys doing the epic visits over oceans…take the makings of a new Geobay…just in case. :grimacing:


Nobody came to my base hahaha
On Ps4, Eissentam Galaxy, portal code:

There is a message station on my base so you can see where to come from the portal.



Also… yesterday I went to a random planet with a portal, found many message stations around the portal and I saw just one 4 hours away walking, so made a geobay and with this it was like an hour far away, so there I went… i spent an entire hour driving to it, just to see if it was a base or whatever… before I arrived there I saw 3 empty bases and I starting to get worried LOL
So I continued on the mission, after the hour driving I arrived to that far away message station and… it was another empty base :sob::sob::sob:
And the message station had a message saying ““where did you go…”” the user was oxoaxa99.
I left a message just at the same spot saying ““why you did this to me, why!!!”” :joy::joy:
So I turned back and I had to spend another hour driving back to the portal… :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:


Here’s a tip: You can reload your last save file if you do not save on the planet. I use this often to return from base visits with more than 30 minutes travel time.

Tip #2: If you want poeple to visit your base, locate the portal on the planet first and then scan for a nearby habitable base.

@Corerotten Part of the issue with no one visiting is that you are in the Eissentam galaxy. Most players (including myself) are exclusively in Euclid.


True, I thought so that maybe it was because of the galaxy, i think no man’s sky must change that and people could travel around galaxies…

Btw when i made the long travel to a possible player base i had a previous save but i decided to get into the travel and then i realized that i got two new saves so i couldn’t get back to the first point and then i went all in hahaha
But yep, never again! Hahaha

Also one thing, the game creators never thought about using water as another element? That would be cool to create some stuff, it surprises me that they never thought about this when water is very important when making stuff in real life and they wanted to make a realistic game :stuck_out_tongue:

But anyway, i can’t wait for the next update hahaha

I found you a temporary home near the ECSD star chain. It is near my Home Base. From there you can search for a Star Bulb planet in the chain. The only things asked are : Once you find the system you want, and making sure no one else already has it, place ECSD after the name of the system so we will know you are not just some galactic wanderer passing through. Also, we ask that you not scan or upload flora or fauna on the other planets in the chain. You can scan and upload all you want in your own system. Outside of the chain, you can do whatever you like. Do you know how to relocate your base using the Portal?
This is a toxic planet but there is a base about 12 minutes NW of the Portal. I marked it with a comm ( I hope it shows) There might be one nearer. As stated, this is just temporary until you find the planet you want in the chain. The capital system is about half way down the chain: Etarcia ECSD. Of course, all of this may change once NEXT hits.


Thank you :blush: made it and thanks for the comm ball marker :blush:

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A pleasant planet to call home. Lots of resources, an unclaimed base nearby, close to Euclid galaxy centre, and the planet is awash with waypoints including a trading post not far away.

PS4 Normal Euclid

You get to share it with some furry Geks as well :grin:


Now heres a question thats been bugging me. If you use a portal to another planet, can you still find crashed ships? Like, I know you can find the locations that they crashed at, but when I go looking, the actual ships are missing. Is this just me? Or does this happen to others?

There are no ships on the planets you travel to through portals. None crashed, none to buy, none visiting trading posts. None.

Thank you. Its been bugging me.

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not been an idiot but has anyone tried going through a portal with the sequence we actually got on

@myst88: I have edited your reply to have the correct url. Clicking some random link like may end up having unwanted results.

Saw your Craigslist ad. I’m your new neighbor. @Sheralmyst


Not on the same planet or system right? You mean a nearby system…I hope…:sweat_smile:

Egads! @Polyphemus, someone, anyone please explain here what happens when someone else makes a base on your already claimed planet… :scream:

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@Doopa, please do not build a base in a system already occupied by someone else. I you do, you will destroy the original occupier’s base. The chances are, you own base will also be unstable.

If you have built a base in the system occupied by @sheralmyst, please find a nearby unoccupied system, and build another base there. It is very important that you do this, because it is only when you build a new base, that your old base gets deleted. And getting your old base deleted is the only chance that @sheralmyst has of getting her base back.

If you have not built a base in @sheralmyst’s system, then you have my profound apologies for this intrusion. But @sheralmyst is very worried.

If there is anything you would like to discuss with me, please feel free to do so, either here, or by PM.

Let’s all try to make the ETARC hub work properly.