Well skull and bones doesn’t always mean pirates but it does usually imply at least danger or combat. Last update was combat related on ground weapons but ship weapons weren’t touched iirc. You’d think that some of the work in combat would been sprinkled into ships too. plus he’s been posting pictures of ships. Plus there is a loose end in the game with the station override terminal.
My first guess is ship combat improvements. Which I look forward to because ship combat has always been too easy. For example: you only need a positron ejector for a C class to hold its own against anything.
My second guess is pirate npcs actually taking up arms and raiding settlements.
Let the speculations go forth!
Twitter users are speaking of fighting pirates planet-side and on foot. Others are saying ships filled with pirates.
I am going to make my guess and say this ties into the mysterious Space Station addition with an as-yet unknown function. Perhaps we will use it to defend the Space Station against pirate attacks.
Space combat could be overhauled to include enemy aces, raiding and boarding. This would also mean MT versus MT combat added with NPCs.
I would also add the guess that the pirates could be upgraded in the game as another faction in control of some systems and with their own ship black market customization system. However it would require affinity with them that is only gained by attacking the other factions.
I want to throw my hat into the ring here, I feel like if it’s a piracy themed update, we’ll see Pirates fleshed out as an entire faction, rather than an encounter. Pirate systems, outposts, individuals, space outposts etc. Special pirate tech, missions and ships will probably accompany that.
It could go on to include better NPC combat, and we might even get a system authority faction to side with to eliminate pirates. I think this could lead into a bigger faction based system for a future update, which could incorporate the station cores and factionalizing systems.
I am hoping you guys are onto something. We were told more is coming to the settlements and we already have pirated mods being sold on a black market. We are already targeted in space for valuable items we have on our ships and attacking the cargo pods on the derelict freighters that sometimes appear, calls the pirates to respond. Raiding parties attacking our settlements would be a logical next step.
I’d love to be chilling planetside and see a party of fighters rain down fire from the atmosphere, and have a bunch of turrets set up to fight them, whilst I get into the atmosphere for a fire fight!
Settlement defence is just such an awesome, untapped avenue.
Oh right, there’s still those turret models in the files… Could actually be connected.
If they’re going to flesh out pirates as a faction, I could only hope they’d flesh out factions as a whole…
I wish I could say I expect a big thing…I don’t. I honestly expect some tweaks to pirate ships, some new pirate ship classes maybe, some new cosmetic items, bug fixes and a new Expedition.
I really think they are gonna hold back the biggies until summer.
Lot of people saying update tomorrow which sounds about right since there will be really severe weather all day tomorrow for me…which means my PC will stay unplugged…but, I have Steam Deck
Pirate faction(s) would seem a logical next step or addition, but I do not think of pirates as being faithful to one overreaching organization. Granted, they may clan up to accomplish a specified mission, “if there be treasure, matey,” and if there be “an extensive journey afoot,” one they would be unwise to venture alone.
Gangs, mafias and pirates do in fact exist, and they engage in organized crime, or are criminal organizations. But these are not to be trusted, not even within their own pact, their always watching their own back. After all, what pirate really wants to share, when all the loot and plunder could belong to one’s own self.
Mafia - An organized international body of criminals, operating originally in Sicily and now especially in Italy and the US and having a complex and ruthless behavioral code. - (Source: Google)
So I recognize their affiliations, but I think of a pirate as more of a loner. Relations? Then loosely woven.